Academic Standing
Any undergraduate students failing to maintain the minimum grade point average required by their academic program after the completion of 6 or more credits in a term, any graduate students failing to maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average required by their program after the completion of 5 or more credits in a term, or any doctoral students failing to maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average required by their program after the completion of 3 or more credits in a term will be placed on Academic Probation (for the purposes of tracking program GPA requirements). All students on Academic Probation must adhere to the stipulations of their probation as outlined in their notice of Academic Standing. These limitations can include restrictions on the number of credits they may take per term (generally a limit of 15 credits for undergraduate students and 12 credits for graduate students). Undergraduate students on Academic Probation must register for and successfully complete GNST 001. Undergraduate students on first term probation are required to meet with the Office of Academic Advising. The academic record and transcript of all students on Academic Probation will be notated accordingly.
Students on Academic Probation (for the purposes of tracking program GPA requirements) who do not successfully remove themselves from Academic Probation at the end of two consecutive terms of Academic Probation will be academically disqualified. Any undergraduate student taking 6 or more credits in a term who receives less than a 1.0 term GPA will be academically disqualified. Any graduate student carrying 5 or more credits in a term who receives less than a 1.0 term GPA will be academically disqualified. Any doctoral student carrying 3 or more credits in a term who receives less than a 1.0 term GPA will be academically disqualified. Students may not switch programs to rectify academic standing issues.
Probation Removed
When undergraduate students taking 6 or more credits in a term, or graduate students taking 5 or more credits in a term, raise both their term and cumulative GPA to the minimum program required GPA or higher, they are removed from Academic Probation (for the purposes of tracking program GPA requirements). “Probation Removed” is noted on the transcript, and all Academic Probation restrictions are lifted.
Academic Disqualification Appeals
Academic disqualification appeals must be submitted using the Appeal to the University Registrar form and must include an explanation of why minimum academic requirements were not met and why an exception is warranted. This appeal should be thorough and at least one page in length. Additional documentation may be requested. If appeals are not received by the second week of the term, disqualified students will be dropped from classes.
A disqualified student who does not appeal, or whose appeal was denied, may apply for re-admission after one term. The student may apply for re-admission only if evidence is given which indicates that chances for scholastic success are good. A student who has been disqualified twice may not be readmitted.
Good Academic Standing
Any student not on Academic Probation (for the purposes of tracking program GPA requirements) or Academic Disqualification is considered to be in Good Academic Standing (for the purposes of tracking program GPA requirements).
Satisfactory Academic Progress and Financial Aid Eligibility
Although Satisfactory Academic Progress (for the purposes of financial aid) is independent from Academic Standing as defined above, poor academic performance may also result in financial aid suspension. For additional information on Financial Aid's Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy see the Financial Aid Information section.