Graduate Programs
Double Emphases
A minimum of 12 credits must be taken that are unique to the second emphasis. (i.e., Talbot: a minimum of 78 credits for two emphases in the M.A. and a minimum of 110 credits for two emphases in the M.Div. degree). All prerequisites, supporting courses, and departmental requirements for both of the emphases must be completed prior to the single commencement. The student must receive the approval of both the departments and approval of the Office of the Registrar.
Change of Major or Degree
To change a major or degree a student must:
- If changing to a degree program at the same degree level within a school, select the appropriate Change of Program Form from the bottom of the Student Hub webpage, and submit the completed form to the office of Graduate Admissions.
- If changing to a degree program within another school, submit a full application.
Major changes submitted after the second week of the semester are effective for the following semester.
A student may not avoid a requirement of Admission by a change in status. Whenever students change major or degree, they follow the catalog for the academic year (3 consecutive terms, e.g., fall, spring, summer) in which they make the change.
Students are not allowed to change programs while on probation in their current program. They must clear their present academic status before changing to a new degree program.
Second Master's Degree
Students seeking a second master's degree must complete a minimum of 24 distinct credits in a second area of major study, taken at Biola University. All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmental requirements for each degree must be completed prior to graduation. The student must receive approval from both the academic departments and the Office of the Registrar. The student may choose to graduate with both degrees at one commencement or different commencements. A student may petition the Registrar and the school faculty to surrender the certificate toward a Master's or M.Div. degree.
The programs in Talbot School of Theology are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). ATS requires that shared credits between degrees may not exceed two-thirds of the degree receiving those credits. Additional master’s degrees from Talbot require a minimum of 18 unique credits.