Summer Session
For our traditional graduate and undergraduate programs using a semester academic schedule, a continuing Summer Session program provides students with the opportunity for a greater degree of flexibility in planning their total program. Students may enrich their course of study and reduce the overall time spent in the classroom or decrease their regular course load by careful selection of Summer Session courses. Visiting students find it refreshing to study in a different atmosphere and perhaps a different locale, and entering students find it helpful in gaining advanced standing. Courses of study may be applied to both the degree and the teaching credential programs. Instruction is offered in standard courses by the Biola faculty and capable visiting professors. Certain courses or workshops may be offered during Summer Session that are not listed in this catalog. These may be innovative courses created in response to current topics or specialized needs.
Strategic summer course enrollment for 9-12 credits per summer can substantially reduce the time to degree and total degree cost for most of our undergraduate majors. Optional course schedule plans for such strategies are available in the various department offices and on the Majors, Degrees and Programs website. The sustained effort resulting in reducing time to degree requires self-discipline, motivation, and focus. Discussing degree planning with a student’s academic advisor is strongly recommended.
Courses regularly offered in summer cover the areas of art, Bible, theology, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, biological science, sociology and other subjects, including education courses for teaching credential candidates. Both in-class and online courses are available every summer session. Graduate courses in education, intercultural studies, theology and psychology enable graduate students to continue their programs during the summer months. Registration for summer opens in November and remains available through the spring semester. Also available during the summer are several different opportunities for national and international travel courses integrating faith and learning through experiential education. Current summer study tours are listed under programs on the Study Abroad website.
Tuition, and room and board during Biola’s Summer Session are lower than regular charges at private colleges. See catalog section on financial information for Summer Session tuition. Visiting students need to obtain a Special Student Status Application from the Office of Admissions. Admission to the Summer Session program does not presuppose or grant acceptance to the university for the regular school year. For further information, please contact the Office of Admissions.
For our programs using a trimester academic schedule, Summer Session is a regular term and continuing enrollment is required for the program. Course offerings and requirements information will be available in descriptions of the specific program.