The grade point average of a student is obtained by dividing the total number of grade points at Biola by the total number of credits attempted at Biola. (This calculation does not include courses transferred from another institution and starts anew for graduate programs.)
To graduate with a baccalaureate degree, a student must achieve at least a 2.0 in both cumulative and major (some programs require higher) undergraduate coursework. Higher standards are required for graduate degrees, as stated elsewhere in this catalog.
Biola's policy requires that when computing the GPA, the GPA is recorded at the third number beyond the decimal point without rounding up.
Quality of course work is graded on the following scale, with a system of grade points used to determine a student's general grade point average (GPA) or standing:
Grade | Quality | Points |
A | Highest Passing Grade | 4.00 |
A- | 3.67 | |
B+ | 3.33 | |
B | Good | 3.00 |
B- | 2.67 | |
C+ | 2.33 | |
C | Satisfactory | 2.00 |
C- | 1.67 | |
D+ | 1.33 | |
D | 1.00 | |
D- | Lowest Passing Grade | 0.67 |
Applies to undergraduate courses only. Lowest passing grade for graduate courses varies by program. See specific graduate department. | ||
F | Failure | 0.00 |
UW | Unofficial Withdrawal | 0.00 |
A “UW” indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for courses but do not attend classes are given the grade of “UW” which will influence the GPA the same as an “F.” |
Graduate students should see the appropriate section of the Catalog for further grade information.
Special Grade Notations
The following grades are also used with special significance in certain programs and are not used in computing the GPA:
Grade | Quality | Points |
CR | Credit 1 | 0.00 |
A credit “CR” indicates the completion of course work with academic performance equal to or higher than the “satisfactory” standard for the degree program (normally “C” 2.00 for undergraduate programs and “B” 3.00 for graduate programs). | ||
IN | Incomplete Grade 2 | 0.00 |
A temporary “grade” of “IN” (Incomplete Grade) will be issued in these special cases when approved by the University Registrar. IN grades are normally completed no later than five weeks after the end of the term. In the event of the inability of a student to complete the coursework by the approved deadline, the student will be assigned the grade which was earned by the end of the class. Submission deadlines: Students must submit a request on the appropriate form for an Incomplete (IN) Grade for Full-Term courses by the Friday before finals week. For Session A and B, the deadline is the Friday before the end of the class. | ||
NC | No Credit 2 | 0.00 |
S | Satisfactory 1 | 0.00 |
US | Unsatisfactory 2 | 0.00 |
RG | Registered in Course 3 | 0.00 |
R | Research 1 | 0.00 |
IP | Internship in Progress 1 | 0.00 |
UC | Unofficial Withdrawal 2 | 0.00 |
A “UC” indicates an unofficial withdrawal from a credit/no-credit course. Students who register for credit/no-credit courses but do not attend classes are given the grade of “UC.” A grade of “UC” does not affect the student's grade point average. | ||
W | Withdrawal 2 | 0.00 |
A “W” indicates an official withdrawal (within the third to eighth week for full sessions courses; within the second to fourth week for session A or session B courses) and does not affect the student's grade point average. | ||
AUD | Audit 2 | 0.00 |
NR | Not reported by faculty 2 | 0.00 |
NO/NG | Non-graded Course 1 | 0.00 |
- 1
No grade points; credit given
- 2
No grade points; no credit given
- 3
No grade points
Incomplete Grade Process
The purpose of an Incomplete Grade Process is to meet the needs of a student facing unforeseeable emergencies beyond their control that are serious enough to prevent completion of course assignments before the semester ends (i.e., extended illness, significant injury, critical family emergency).
A temporary “grade” of “IN” (Incomplete Grade) will be issued in these special cases when approved by the Office of the Registrar. IN Grades are normally completed no later than five weeks after the end of the term. In the event of the inability of a student to complete the coursework by the approved deadline, the Office of the Registrar will assign the grade which the student has earned by the end of the term.
Students will fill out the Incomplete Grade Request form. A form must be submitted for each class that an IN Grade is being requested. All Incomplete Grade requests require approval from the faculty of record and the Office of the Registrar (undergraduate) or appropriate Dean (graduate).
Notes & Restrictions
- Requests for an Incomplete (IN) Grade will be accepted starting the 4th week of the 7-week semester and the 12th week of the 15-week semester.
- The submission deadline for an Incomplete (IN) Grade for Full-Term courses is the Friday before finals week. For Sessions A and B, the deadline is the Friday before the end of the course.
- Incomplete (IN) Grades will not be granted for matters such as excessive employment, over-scheduling, or current poor performance in a course.
- Students who miss more than 20% of regular class sessions (including “excused” absences) may be required to drop the course and be ineligible for an Incomplete (IN) Grade.
- The Incomplete (IN) Grade process is available throughout the academic year, including the summer term.
- In rare cases, an extension to Incomplete Grade may be approved if the student appeals before the deadline and provides appropriate documentation (e.g., medical documentation).
- Students with in-progress Incompletes over a half-time load (more than 6 undergraduate credits / 5 graduate credits / 3 doctoral credits) may not be permitted to register or enroll in a subsequent, compulsory term for any more than the minimum full-time load (12 undergraduate credits / 9 graduate credits / 6 doctoral credits) until in-progress Incompletes are completed.
Grade Mode
The following codes are listed on each course to designate how the course will be graded at the end of the term:
Grade Mode | Description |
A | Letter Grade A-F |
C | Credit-No Credit |
D | Variable Credit/Research |
I | Variable Internship in Progress/Credit-No Credit |
N | No Grade Given |
P | Post Baccalaureate |
R | Research |
S | Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory |
T | Transfer No Grade Given |
U | Audited |
V | Variable Letter/Research |
Final Grades
Final grades will be available at the end of each academic term on My Account. Any discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the Office of the Registrar within 90 days from the date the grade is posted.
Grade Changes
Grade changes are only allowable for computational or recording errors.
Student Responsibility
It is the student's responsibility to bring any error in grades to the attention of the instructor within 90 days following the issued grade.
Faculty Responsibility
It is the instructor's responsibility to catch and correct any error in grades no later than 90 days following the submission of a student's grade.
Dean's List
The Dean's List is awarded for the fall and spring terms only. Undergraduate students who meet both of the following requirements will be placed on the term's Dean's List:
- Earn a fall or spring term GPA of 3.6 or higher while enrolled in 12 or more credits
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher