Repeated Courses
Grade Replacement
Undergraduate students are permitted to repeat courses in which they have earned a D+ or lower grade. Graduate students are permitted to repeat courses in which they have earned a C+ or lower grade. Only the higher grade earned is included in the computation of the student's GPA, and the credits are counted only once. Both grades continue to show on the student's academic record.
Grade Improvement
Undergraduate students who have earned a grade higher than a D+, or graduate students who have earned a grade higher than a C+, may still be permitted to repeat the same course with approval of the University Registrar if their major or degree program requires a higher grade in order to progress in the major or degree program (see respective major or degree program requirements). Both grades continue to show on the student's academic record and both grades will be factored into the overall cumulative GPA.
Additional Information
All instances of a repeated course must be taken at Biola in order to impact the student's GPA. If the student is repeating a topics course (excluding GNST 102), the topic must be the same as the previous topic completed in order to be eligible for a repeat.
The adjustment to the student's GPA is reflected on the academic transcript beginning with the first term in which the course was taken. When a course is repeated the exclude indicator (E) will occur in the Course Repeat Indicator column (R) of the excluded course, and the include indicator (I) will occur in the Course Repeat Indicator column of the included course on the student's academic transcript.
Students are permitted to repeat a course a maximum of two times after the first attempt. A student unable to pass a required course for their major or degree program after the third attempt is normally required to select another major or degree program not requiring the failed course.