Academic Load

Undergraduate and Credential Students

The minimum full time load is 12 credits at the undergraduate and credential level. Those carrying less than the full time load but 9 or more credits are considered three-quarter time. Undergraduate students carrying 6 to 8 credits are considered half time students. And, undergraduate students carrying fewer than 6 credits are normally considered less than half time.

An undergraduate student who is on academic probation may be limited to 13 credits or fewer depending upon their grade point average. A minimum of 10 credits must be taken by those living on campus. Generally, an undergraduate student is limited to 18 credits per regular term. After the first semester, a student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher may petition the Office of the Registrar to carry a maximum of 21 credits.

Graduate Students

The minimum full time load is 9 credits for those in graduate degree programs. Those carrying less than the full time load but 7 or more credits are considered three-quarter time. Graduate students carrying 5 to 6 credits are considered half time students. And, graduate students carrying fewer than 5 credits are normally considered less than half time. A Talbot student is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 12 credits each semester.

The normal expected course load for a School of Education master's student is 3 to 9 credits per semester. Without the advisor's approval, a student may not carry over 12 credits in any semester.

Doctoral Students

The minimum full time load is 6 credits for those in doctoral degree programs. Those carrying 5 credits are considered three-quarter time. Doctoral students in these programs carrying 3 to 4 credits are considered half time. And, those carrying fewer than 3 credits are normally considered less than half time. D.Min. students must complete 6 credits per semester, 12 credits per year in their program. Doctoral students can be considered full time for a maximum of two to four semesters in the dissertation phase of their program depending on their program (see specific program for details).

The normal expected course load for a Rosemead student is 15 to 16 credits per semester. Without the advisor's approval, a student may not carry over 16 credits in any semester. Registration of fewer than 6 credits is permitted only after a student has been admitted to candidacy. Rosemead does not admit part time students to its degree programs.

Enrollment Time Status

Special Note: Dropping or adding credits may change a student’s Enrollment Time Status (e.g. full, three quarter time, half time, less than half time, etc.) as defined above. Please note, there are special circumstances in which the above definitions do not apply. Students are responsible for understanding how their Enrollment Time Status impacts their eligibility for various benefits, services, and programs such as, but not limited to financial aid, athletics, immigration, veteran’s and military benefits, social security benefits, and educational loan deferment. Students uncertain as to how their Enrollment Time Status will impact their eligibility should refer to the appropriate part of the university catalog and/or inquire of the appropriate university office(s).