Study Abroad and Study USA

General Information

Biola University values experiential and cross-cultural learning. We are committed to providing opportunities for our students to participate in Study Abroad/Study USA programs. Study Abroad programs are available to undergraduate students, excluding those enrolled in online bachelor’s degree programs. These programs offer unique opportunities for students to make the world their classroom, going beyond the confines of the traditional classroom experience. Study Abroad/Study USA programs are vital to fulfilling our mission to educate students in mind and character and to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Students are charged Biola's standard on-campus tuition, the cost of room (or room and board), program fees as outlined on the Study Abroad/Study USA website, and Biola's administrative fee. All students participating in an international Study Abroad program are also required to pay the international health insurance fee. In addition, some programs have a premium program fee. Depending on the program, meals may be an additional out-of-pocket expense.

Refer to the Financial Information in the Payment Information section of the catalog for information on individual payment plans for fall and spring Study Abroad/Study USA programs. Participating students may continue to qualify for federal, state and university aid in most fall and spring programs as outlined below. All students participating in fall and spring Study Abroad/Study USA programs are charged a $500 non-refundable administrative fee.

Under Biola's Financial Aid regulations, students who attend a Study Abroad/Study USA program are typically eligible for full financial aid when they are enrolled in a minimum of 12 degree-applicable credits. Students will be eligible to receive study abroad or domestic university aid for one fall or spring Study Abroad or Study USA program. Students are encouraged to meet with a Financial Aid counselor for more information specific to their aid package. 

Students who are interested in applying to a Study Abroad/Study USA program should contact the Study Abroad Office ( In order to be considered for acceptance in one of the Study Abroad programs, students must complete and submit all required application materials, be in good Academic Standing and meet the minimum GPA requirement of the particular program, not have a current or past Student Care and Conduct case that could make participation in the program unsafe or inappropriate for the student or others, and any other considerations relevant to the particular program. All students participating in Study Abroad/Study USA programs must complete:

Curriculum Requirements

It is university policy that students participating in a fall or spring Study Abroad/Study USA program:

  • May not be registered in an arranged course.
  • Students considering taking courses in addition to their Study Abroad program's courses must obtain permission from the Advising Center and the Office of the Registrar. Additional fees will apply.
  • Must not exceed the maximum number of 18 total credits.

Coursework taken through Study Abroad/Study USA programs does not count toward resident credits at Biola for a major or minor. A minimum of 15 upper-division credits must be taken in residence toward the completion of a major. A minimum of 6 credits for a minor must be taken as Biola coursework. Of the Bible credits required of all Biola students, at least 15 must be taken in residence. Credits earned through a Study Abroad/Study USA program may be applied to up to 50% of a student's Biola degree.

Students earning a Bachelor of Arts degree who take a foreign language while participating in a Study Abroad/Study USA program are advised to meet with Academic Advising and the Department of Modern Languages regarding how these credits may or may not apply toward graduation. 

Students are not eligible to participate in a semester Study Abroad/Study USA program in their first year at Biola unless they are transfer students. Students are also not eligible to participate in the same semester they intend to graduate.

Biola Semester Programs

The initials in parentheses next to the programs listed below represent university transcript codes. Additional study abroad opportunities can be found on the Study Abroad website as they become available. 

Biola London (BLS)

See the Biola London website for additional information.

In cooperation with University of Roehampton London, Biola offers a semester of study in the United Kingdom. Located near Wimbledon, six miles southwest of the center of London, the program at the University of Roehampton gives students the opportunity to experience the British educational system side by side with British and international students, while also learning from the unique historical and cultural settings of London and the British Isles. Biola students can attend the program only in their sophomore, junior or senior year, which requires them to apply in their freshman, sophomore or junior year, respectively.

The University of Roehampton's catalog for international students offers a variety of academic disciplines with courses that connect to many Biola majors. When applying to the Biola London program, students select eight courses from Roehampton's catalog that meet the requirements of their Core Curriculum or major — eventually selecting three to take if they are accepted to the program. Two additional required courses will be taught by an instructor designated by Biola, one of which fulfills the Bible integration requirement (BBST 465) and the other, another upper-division BBST course (BBST 450). In all, students will take five courses in London, totaling 15 credits.

Students interested in the program should inquire with a Study Abroad Advisor in Academic Advising to begin the process of ensuring that there is space in their curriculum for the courses they aim to take in London. Students may take courses that count either toward the Core Curriculum or major requirements.

Application and payment of tuition and room are made through Biola. Biola requires a minimum cumulative 2.8 GPA to apply. Applications are available online through the Study Abroad website. A selection process follows the submission of applications.

Students participating in the program are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of Roehampton University; in addition, they are expected to maintain Biola's code of conduct. At the end of the semester, Roehampton will forward the student's transcript to Biola, where it will be interpreted in light of the American grading system.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

Biola Student Exchange Program (ISE)

See the Study Abroad website for additional information.

The Biola Student Exchange Program provides unique opportunities for Biola students to study at Christian universities in South Korea, Japan and Indonesia. Students can study as exchange students at Handong Global University in South Korea, Yonsei University in South Korea, Tokyo Christian University in Japan, and Universitas Pelita Harapan in Indonesia. Biola students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher may apply for up to two semesters of exchange study.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

CCCU GlobalEd Programs

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) offers various semester and summer programs to students of its member institutions. The programs offer a unique opportunity for students to make the world their classroom. For further information, contact the Study Abroad Office. A listing of the CCCU GlobalEd programs can be found on the Study Abroad and the CCCU websites.

Affiliated Semester Programs

Creation Care Study Program (CCSP)

See both the Study Abroad and the CCSP website for additional information and course offerings.

The Creation Care Study Program (CCSP), offered by the Center for Environmental Leadership, is a high-caliber academic semester in Belize or New Zealand aimed at helping students connect their Christian faith to biblical justice, ecology, sustainable community development, and to personally live more sustainable lifestyles. Within a learning context focused on Christian spiritual formation and community, CCSP offers a robust cross-cultural and interdisciplinary integrated semester of learning and discipleship.

While studying with CCSP, students interact with the local communities and discover hands-on the remarkable natural wonders of Belize or New Zealand. Some highlights of CCSP-Belize include living at Macal Commons, CCSP's beautiful tropical campus, taking excursions to local Mayan ruins, snorkeling at one of the world's largest barrier reefs and exploring pristine rain forests. The Belize semester also offers internship opportunities.

The CCSP-New Zealand campus is nestled beneath the mighty Kaikoura mountains, yet only one mile from the Pacific Ocean. This offers students the unique opportunity to explore New Zealand's Polynesian and European cultures, stunning forests, mountain glaciers and abundant marine life (including whales, dolphins and seals). Both locations include homestay opportunities with local families, while CCSP also provides ample opportunity for independent travel.

CCSP New Zealand or Belize is available in the fall or spring semester and fits best with Environmental Science concentrations.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

Living and Learning International

See the Biola in Ecuador (QES)Biola in Rome (BIR), Biola London (BLS), and the Living and Learning website for additional information and course offerings.

Biola in Ecuador, Biola in Rome, and Biola London, hosted by Living and Learning International, are study abroad programs designed for college students who desire to grow in their ability to integrate life and learning and their walk with God with the realities of struggle, poverty and injustice in the world. The programs do not aim simply to add knowledge or travel to students' lives, but to help them understand with wisdom God's calling on each individual. The programs encourage exploration into these pertinent questions:

  • Who is God calling us to be?
  • What is He calling us to do?
  • How does He want us to respond?

Combining excellent academics, cross-cultural ministry, mission and relevant internship opportunities in a unique and challenging setting, the Biola in Ecuador, Biola in Rome, and Biola London semesters provide an opportunity for students to enjoy rich interaction with their professors, program staff, ministry site hosts and other students who are on this same journey. Students from all majors and disciplines who desire to grow in their cross-cultural understanding and in their faith while living in community are encouraged to apply.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

NYC Semester Program (ONS)

See both the Study Abroad and The King’s College NYC Semester website for additional information and course offerings.

New York City Semester is a program with The King’s College, located in downtown Manhattan. Students will be immersed in a rigorous and engaging academic experience, learning from award-winning professors who epitomize committed Christian faith along with mastery in their fields. In addition to visits from industry professionals and the vibrant faculty lectures, students will take advantage of unparalleled networking opportunities, cultural experiences, and more. The NYC Semester Program has three tracks for students to choose from: Business, Journalism, and Theater.

The NYC Semester in Business coursework takes advantage of the program’s proximity to the United Nations and connections to international NGOs. The King’s College provides networking opportunities, including lunches and dinners, with Christian leaders in NYC businesses and NGOs. NYCB students engage with a distinctively Christian vision for work that affirms the God-given dignity of individuals and prioritizes excellence and integrity.

The Journalism track is led by Wall Street Journal veteran, Professor Paul Glader and New York Daily News veteran, Professor Clemente Lisi. The NYC Semester in Journalism includes newsroom visits to outlets such as BuzzFeed, The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press and ProPublica. Students in the program have interned at outlets such as The New York Daily News, The Brooklyn Paper and Newsweek. They have heard from journalists from outlets such as The New York Times, SkyNews and Reuters. Studying with professors who are deeply rooted in Christian faith, students cultivate their commitment to the truth and the skill to tell it well.

For the NYC Semester in Theater, students are a short subway ride from Broadway, Off-Broadway and off-off Broadway, providing opportunities for young theater artists to witness the wide range of what it means to be a professional in this competitive field. The King’s College hosts actors, directors, producers, stage managers and agents who speak about what they do and how they do it. The King’s College also creates networking opportunities with Christian theater artists in NYC who understand the transformative potential of live theater and who are incarnating their faith in the theater industry.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

Veritas Christian Study Abroad

See the Biola in Spain (VSE)Biola in France (BIF)Biola in South Africa (BSA)Veritas Rome Experience (VRO), and the Veritas website for additional information and course offerings.

The four study abroad programs offered through Veritas Christian Study Abroad offer students the opportunity to study at a host university, live and serve in a different culture, and develop in their faith. In addition to the learning that takes place in the classroom, students also have the opportunity to grow as Christians through ministry opportunities and regularly connecting with a Christian mentor through the program. 

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

Torrey Oxford

The Torrey Oxford semester abroad is a unique, competitive opportunity for Torrey Honors College students in their junior or senior year to experience life and scholarship at the University of Oxford in the unique Christian community at Wycliffe Hall. 

Up to 12 students in the Torrey Honors College will have an opportunity each fall and spring to study abroad for one semester at the University of Oxford and receive 13 honors course credits toward their Biola and Torrey Honors graduation requirements.

During the Torrey Oxford semester abroad, students will take a bridge course taught by a Torrey faculty member, take tutorials in philosophy, theology and religion from Oxford professors, experience dorm life with other Oxford students, receive a University of Oxford transcript for the courses taken, and create new friendships with the Christian community at Wycliffe Hall. This program will equip students with academic tools that further enhance the rigorous academic work they have already undertaken in Torrey, and enrich their educational experience at an institution that has fundamentally shaped the Torrey Honors approach to education.

Admission into this program is highly competitive and requires good academic standing in the Torrey Honors College, recommendation from the student’s mentor, meeting Wycliffe Hall’s academic requirements for admission and the approval of the program director.

Summer Programs

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies (AU)

See both the Study Abroad and the Au Sable Institute website for additional information and course offerings.

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies offers over 20 different field-based, university level courses in environmental studies and environmental science at campuses in the Great Lakes region (Mancelona, MI) and on Puget Sound (Whidbey Island, WA), in addition to courses in Latin America (Vara Blanca, Costa Rica). Courses feature extensive field learning to elucidate concepts and teach hands-on skills and techniques for sustainability, ecosystem management and restoration, conservation, and research. Courses take place during May, and two summer session terms. Courses from Au Sable can be applied to major, minor, or core credits. Au Sable attracts students from 60 different Christian colleges and universities around North America, forming a Christian community that cares about preserving, restoring and sustaining God's creation.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

Oxford Summer Programme (OSP)

See both the Study Abroad and the OSP website for additional information and course offerings.

The Oxford Summer Programme enables students to do intensive scholarship in the oldest university in the English-speaking world. During the four-week programme, students hone their research and writing skills and delve into their chosen disciplines, occasionally traveling the United Kingdom to explore the relationship between Christianity and the development of the British Isles. Seminars and tutorials (one-on-one mentorship sessions with expert Oxford scholars) feature specialized topics under expert Oxford academics in the areas of English language and literature, history, science, and philosophy. OSP students earn 6 credits.

Biola students attend the Oxford Summer Programme independent of Biola and transfer the credit upon completion of the summer programme. All fees are paid directly to the CCCU. Students are required to complete substitution request forms prior to departure.

For contact information, visit the Study Abroad website.

Biola Study Tours

Biola offers a variety of study tours, taught by Biola faculty, that travel both nationally and internationally. Application materials, course offerings, cost and payment deadlines are specific to each program. Each Biola summer study tour has individual student contracts and a refund policy that cater to the specific needs of each program. Payment is due in full prior to departure. Failure to pay 100% prior to departure will result in the immediate cancellation of the student's registration. Financial aid is not available for summer study tours. All students participating in a summer study tour are charged a $50 non-refundable registration fee and the international health insurance fee.

To learn more about Biola's various summer study tours, visit the Study Abroad website.