Alternative Credit

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is a national organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction.
Credit will be awarded for ACTFL assessment results toward satisfaction of foreign language requirements as designated below. Students wishing to earn language proficiency credits through the ACTFL should take the assessment as early as possible but no earlier than two years prior to matriculation to Biola. English language proficiency through ACTFL does not meet the Core English or Writing Competency Requirements (WCR). Biola University reserves the right to determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded.
A student may take the ACTFL foreign language exam without pre-approval from the Office of the Registrar. To obtain credit, the student must seek a higher level of language than previously awarded language credits. A maximum of 32 credits can be awarded for all forms of advanced credit (AP, CLEP, IB, ACTFL, STAMP 4S, etc.). If the same course is taken at the college level, elective credits cannot be given for the equivalent ACTFL exam.
Specific ACTFL tests in any language would receive credit as follows:

  • Intermediate Low on OPI (or OPIc) and WPT covers LANGUAGE 100 (4 credits)
  • Intermediate Mid or above on OPI (or OPIc), WPT, and LPT covers LANGUAGE 100 & 200 (8 credits)
ACTFL Rating OPI OPIc WPT LPT Number of Credits Biola Credit
Novice High 3LD 3LD 3LD 0
Intermediate Low 3LD 3LD 3LD 4 Language 100
Intermediate Mid 6LD 6LD 6LD 3LD 8 Language 100, 200
Intermediate High 9LD 9LD 6LD + 2UD 3LD 8 Language 100, 200
Advanced Low 9LD 9LD 6LD + 2UD 6LD 8 Language 100, 200
Advanced Mid 6LD + 3UD 6LD + 3UD 6LD + 3UD 6LD 8 Language 100, 200
Advanced High 6LD + 6UD 6LD + 6UD 6LD + 6UD 6LD 8 Language 100, 200
Superior 6LD + 6UD 6LD + 6UD 6LD + 6UD 6LD 8 Language 100, 200

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Biola University, as a member of the College Entrance Examination Board, recognizes the merits of the Advanced Placement Program and will grant credit for Advanced Placement exams taken in high school. Credit will be given when the Advanced Placement examination grade is 3 or better.

A maximum of 32 credits can be awarded for all forms of advanced credit (AP, CLEP, IB, ACTFL, STAMP 4S, etc.). Torrey students: Math and/or science credits are needed for Core Curriculum credit. All other AP credits will count as elective credits toward graduation.

AP Exam Number of Credits Biola Credit
Art History
3 Core Curriculum Fine Arts
Studio Art: 2D Design
3 Elective
Studio Art: 3D Design
3 Elective
Studio Art: Drawing
3 Elective
5 Core Curriculum Science (or BIOS 100/BIOS 110). General elective only for biology majors
Chemistry 1
4 Core Curriculum Science
Computer Science
Computer Science A
3 Elective
Computer Science Principles
2 Elective
3 BUSN 201
3 BUSN 202
English Language and Composition
3 ENGL 112
English Literature and Composition
3 ENGL 112
Environmental Science
Environmental Science
3 Core Curriculum Science
United States History
3 HIST 200
U.S. Government and Politics
3 POSC 225
Comparative Government and Politics
3 POSC elective (lower-division)
World History
3 HIST 100
European History
3 HIST elective (lower-division)
Human Geography
Human Geography
3 Elective
Language and Culture for all languages (score of 3)
4 Language 100
Language and Culture for all languages (score of 4 or 5)
8 Language 100 and Language 200
Spanish Literature and Culture (score of 4 or 5)
4 SPAN 351
Math 2
Calculus AB 1, 3, 4
4 MATH 150
Calculus BC 1, 3, 5
8 MATH 150 and MATH 151
3 MATH 190 or MATH 210
Music Theory
3 Elective
Physics 1
Physics 1
4 Core Curriculum Science
Physics 2
4 Core Curriculum Science
Physics C - Electricity and Magnetism
4 Core Curriculum Science
Physics C - Mechanics
4 Core Curriculum Science
Psychology 6
3 PSYC 200
3 Elective

Many medical schools do not accept AP credit in lieu of college-level course credit to fulfill admission requirements.


Chemistry, biochemistry, physics, engineering physics, and engineering majors receive credit as follows:


A maximum of 8 credits may be counted for Calculus AB/BC.


Math and Computer Science majors must have a score of 4 or 5 for MATH 150 credit. 


Math and Computer Science majors must have a score of 4 or 5 for MATH 150 and MATH 151 credit. 


Psychology majors must have a score of 4 or 5.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Biola University recognizes the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students should take CLEP exams as early as possible in their college program to receive their maximum value.

Biola University reserves the right to determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded.

Students are not permitted to take English composition through CLEP for credit. English composition through CLEP does not meet the English Composition requirement.

To obtain credit for a foreign language CLEP exam, the student must seek a higher level of language than previously completed in high school or through college.

Students who withdraw during the term to take CLEP will be refunded according to the tuition refund schedule and will not be eligible for a full refund. 

A maximum of 32 credits can be awarded for all forms of advanced credit (AP, CLEP, IB, ACTFL, STAMP 4S, etc.). If the same course is taken at the college level, elective credits cannot be given for the CLEP exam. Biola accepts a minimum credit-granting score of 50 or higher (a higher score required where designated, see below).

Please contact the Office of the Registrar with further questions.

CLEP Exam Number of Credits Biola Credit
Behavioral Science
Introductory Psychology
3 PSYC 200
Introductory Sociology
3 SOCI 220
Human Growth and Development
3 Elective
Intro to Educational Psychology
3 Elective
Financial Accounting
3 Elective
Info Systems and Computer Appls.
3 Elective
Introductory Business Law
3 Elective
Principles of Management
3 BUSN 240
Principles of Marketing
3 Elective
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 BUSN 201
Principles of Microeconomics
3 BUSN 202
Foreign Language
French Language
Score of 55
4 FREN 100
Score of 66
8 FREN 100, FREN 200
German Language
Score of 55
4 GRMN 100
Score of 63
8 GRMN 100, GRMN 200
Spanish Language
Score of 58
4 SPAN 100
Score of 68
8 SPAN 100, SPAN 200
American Literature
3 ENGL 281
English Literature
3 ENGL 251
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
3 ENGL 230
Mathematics and Sciences
College Mathematics
3 Core Curriculum Math
3 MATH 125
College Algebra
3 Core Curriculum Math
4 Core Curriculum Math
4 Core Curriculum Science
Chemistry 1
4 Core Curriculum Science
Natural Sciences
6 Biology (3) and Physical Science (3)
Social Sciences and History
American Government
3 POSC 225
History of U.S. I: Early Col. to 1877
3 HIST 200
History of U.S. II: 1865 to the Present
3 HIST 201
Western Civ I: Ancient Near East to 1648
3 HIST 100
Western Civ II: 1648 to the Present
3 HIST 101

Nursing majors may not use the General Chemistry exam to meet the organic/biochemistry requirement.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)/Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Biola University follows the guidelines developed by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) to award credit or advanced standing for documented and experiential learning. CPL/PLA is designed to assist adult learners in attaining academic and career goals by validating college-level experiential learning through demonstrating mastery of course-level learning outcomes. 

  • PLA methods at Biola consist of challenge exams and portfolio. 
  • Select courses may be fulfilled by CPL/PLA. Visit the PLA website and contact the Office of Educational Effectiveness for details.
  • Undergraduate Degrees - A maximum of 25% of an undergraduate degree may be fulfilled through all forms of PLA (excluding external standardized examinations such as AP, CLEP, IB, STAMP 4S, etc.). The process for PLA credit must be completed prior to the beginning of the student’s last semester required for degree completion.
  • Graduate Degrees - Graduate degrees require a minimum of 24 credits to be taken at Biola University in the degree program. Credit for prior learning may be awarded above and beyond the minimum 24 credits. 

In order to be eligible for credit through PLA, students must:

  1. Be fully admitted into a Biola degree program.
  2. Have discussed PLA options with an academic advisor, success coach, and/or department chair.
  3. Apply and be approved to participate in PLA.
  4. For PLA portfolios, students must successfully complete the Biola LEARN course Designing Your Experiential Learning Portfolio.
  5. Enroll in the appropriate challenge exam or portfolio course and pay the assessment fee.

PLA Portfolio Appeals Process

Students who have been denied credit or waiver of course requirement based on their original portfolio submission may appeal within 30 days of the decision. To appeal a student must complete the following steps: 

  1. Students must complete the PLA Appeals Form. 
  2. Upon approval of the PLA Appeals Form, students must submit their PLA portfolio with clarification in the learning narrative and/or additional supplemental documentation.
  3. Students are required to pay a fee for resubmission of the PLA portfolio. 

International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

Biola University will grant credit for IB exams taken in high school. We accept only the higher level exams when the grade is 5 or better. A maximum of 32 credits can be awarded for all forms of advanced credit (AP, CLEP, IB, ACTFL, STAMP 4S, etc.).

IB Subject Group (Higher Level only) Number of Credits Biola Credit
Group 1 (First Language)
English A: Lang and Lit HL
3 ENGL 112
Group 2 (Second Language)
Chinese B HL, English B HL, French B HL, German B HL, Indonesian B HL, Spanish B HL
8 Language 100, 200
Group 3 (Individuals and Societies)
History: Americas HL
3 Elective
History: Europe HL
3 Elective
Islamic History HL
3 Elective
Geography HL
3 Elective
Philosophy HL
3 Core Curriculum Philosophy
Psychology HL
3 PSYC 200
Social and Cultural Anthropology HL
3 ANTH 200
Business Management HL
3 Elective
Economics HL
6 BUSN 201, BUSN 202
Group 4 (Sciences)
Biology HL
4 Core Curriculum Biology
Chemistry HL
4 Science electives
Physics HL
4 Science electives
Computer Science HL
2 Elective
Group 5 (Mathematics)
Analysis & Approaches HL
3 Core Curriculum Math or MATH 140
Applications & Interpretation HL
3 Core Curriculum Math
Group 6 (The Arts)
Music HL
3 Core Curriculum Fine Arts
Theatre Arts HL
3 Core Curriculum Fine Arts
Visual Arts HL
3 Core Curriculum Fine Arts
Dance HL
3 Elective
Film HL
3 Elective

STAMP 4S (Standards-Based Measurement of Proficiency)

Avant STAMP 4S is a general language proficiency assessment of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Biola University will grant credit for the following STAMP 4S exam. A maximum of 32 credits can be awarded for all forms of advanced credit (AP, CLEP, IB, ACTFL, STAMP 4S, etc.).

STAMP 4S Exam Number of Credits Biola Credit
Composite score of 6 or higher
4 SPAN 100