Undergraduate Requirements and Policies

Academic Standards

A minimum cumulative grade point average of C (2.00) is necessary to graduate. A grade of D is normally acceptable as a passing grade in a single course. However, some departments have different standards (please refer to the academic program page to understand your school’s requirements). Also, D quality work in general is normally insufficient to allow the student to progress from one course level to the next. Higher GPA minimums are required before admission to teaching and nursing and other major departments. To determine whether a D is an acceptable grade in a required course and to review admissions requirements for a major, check with the appropriate academic department. Students receiving less than a C grade in a major course may be required to repeat the course to progress. Transfer students from other institutions must also maintain an average grade of C in all work completed at Biola University as a requirement for graduation since grades from other schools are not calculated into the student's cumulative grade point average. All students must have a minimum of a C average (2.00) in their major coursework.

For policies regarding Academic Standing and Disqualification, see the Academic and Behavioral Standards section.

Bible Residency Requirement

Biola has a biblical studies residency requirement for all students. Students in most traditional programs must take at least 15 Bible credits at Biola (6 of which must be upper-division). Students in select high-credit majors and transfer students with 45 or more transferable credits completed after high school graduation at the time of enrollment/matriculation qualify for the Biblical and Theological Studies Requirements reduction. Students who qualify for the reduction must take at least 9 Bible credits at Biola (3 of which must be upper-division). Transfer credit, credit for prior learning, or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residency requirement. Majors other than those in the division of Biblical and Theological Studies (e.g., B.A. in Bible, Theology, and Ministry; B.S. in Bible, Theology, and Apologetics) may count a maximum of 30 Bible (BBST) credits toward graduation.

Core Curriculum Program

See the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Program section for Core Curriculum requirements.

Credit Sharing

A single course may satisfy more than one requirement. Unless otherwise designated, no more than 9 credits may be allowed to satisfy both a Core Curriculum and a major requirement. Students must still meet all course prerequisite requirements, residency requirements, and minimum unique credit requirements for major, double-major, if applicable, and minor. Credit sharing remains subject to Core Curriculum, school, and department policies on the double use of a course. Check with the Office of the Registrar as well as your major advisor on credit sharing. 

Note: Torrey Honors College courses are not subject to this policy unless otherwise noted within specific academic major requirements. Additionally, the BBST courses listed in the Core Curriculum section of the BBTM Bible, Theology, and Ministry, B.A. are not subject to the sharing policy unless otherwise noted.

First Year Seminar Requirement

All traditional undergraduate students are required to complete First Year Seminar: The Biola Experience (GNST 102). Note: This requirement does not apply to students in online bachelor's programs.

Writing Competency Requirement

Definition and Procedure

Every undergraduate Biola studentmust fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement (WCR) in order to graduate. The WCR evaluates a student's ability to write English prose that is clear, organized, and appropriate to its given disciplinary context through application of the university writing rubric. Unless otherwise required by their academic major, the primary device by which a student fulfills the WCR is by passing, with a C+ or better, ENGL 313, a Core course every traditional undergraduate Biola student must take on the way to graduation or a grade of C+ or better in the writing capstone project of HNRS 324 for students in the Torrey Honors College.

A student who passes ENGL 313 or the Torrey HNRS 324 writing capstone project with a grade of C or lower must consult with a major advisor for an alternative method of completing the WCR. In most cases, the student in this situation will submit a portfolio of upper-division writing to the student's department for review. (Students are encouraged to take their WCR portfolios to the Rhetoric & Writing Center before submitting them to their department.) If the portfolio does not pass the department review, the student will likely need to take or retake ENGL 313.  


It is strongly recommended that all students enroll in ENGL 313 in the Fall or Spring semester of their junior year. Some majors recommend that students take the course in a specific semester; students should consult with their major advisor about this recommendation. Students who take ENGL 313 during their final semester risk postponing their graduation. It is strongly recommended that students pass or are on track to pass the WCR by the time they turn in their Graduation Application.

Students with Multiple Majors

A student with more than one major is required to take only one section of ENGL 313 or Torrey HNRS 324. Such a student who passes ENGL 313 or Torrey HNRS 324 writing capstone project with a grade of C or lower will only be required to complete the alternative WCR in one of their majors.  

Indication of Completion

Once the WCR has been passed, a notation will be made on the student's transcript indicating that the requirement has been completed.


Students who have completed a full IGETC are not required to take ENGL 313, but they must complete the WCR. Such students should consult with their major advisor and complete the WCR before their last semester prior to graduation. More information about Biola’s Undergraduate Transfer Policy can be found in the Transfer Policies section.

Challenging a Course

A student may be able to challenge a course or requirement if the department has a challenge exam available. Check with the specific department to see if a comprehensive challenge exam is available.

By waiver: If a student's performance on a comprehensive examination demonstrates a good grasp of the course content, an exemption from taking the course may be allowed, but no credit(s) will be given.

By registration: The Department of Nursing and the Division of Biblical and Theological Studies offer some exams for which the student may be granted credits based on the successful completion of the challenge exam. The exams are listed in the course schedule. A fee rather than tuition applies. Specific information regarding these examinations is available from the Department of Nursing and the Division of Biblical and Theological Studies. Contact the Office of the Registrar for further information.