Meal Plans

Meal Plans per semester (required for all undergraduate resident students).

Meal Plan Per Semester Per Year
20 Flex Meal Plan ($150 Flex) $3,325 $6,650
15 Flex Meal Plan ($150 Flex) $3,145 $6,290
12 Flex Meal Plan ($150 Flex) $2,670 $5,340
Block Plan 175 (175 anytime meals with $150 Flex) $2,910 $5,820
10 Flex Meal Plan ($150 Flex) $2,470 $4,940
10 Meal Plan $2,335 $4,670
5 Flex Meal Plan ($50 Flex) 1 $1,040 $2,080
Block Plan 20 (20 anytime meals with $350 Flex) 1 $650 $1,300

For commuters and Biola apartment residents only.

Any prorated adjustments due to cancellations or changes of meal plans will be reflected on the student’s account. All questions regarding meal plan changes, meal plan billing, etc. need to be addressed to the Auxiliary Operations Manager, in Auxiliary Services at (562) 944-0351, ext. 5813 or