Rosemead School of Psychology
The Rosemead School of Psychology of Biola University, in addition to its undergraduate program, offers graduate work leading toward the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.), and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in clinical psychology. Rosemead's doctoral programs are accredited by the:
Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE
Washington DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-5979.
Consistent with the mission of Biola University, the overarching mission of the Rosemead School of Psychology is to develop graduates who integrate the Christian faith and psychology to serve with professional excellence and humility for the benefit of the church and the broader community.
Training Models in Clinical Psychology, Doctoral Programs
The mission of Rosemead’s Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs is to produce graduates who can integrate the science and practice of psychology with Christian theology, and who are prepared to meet the psychological needs of the world in general and the Christian community specifically through professional service and scholarship.
While the mission is the same, the training models are different for the doctoral programs. Both programs prepare psychological practitioners and virtually all of the graduates become licensed psychologists. While both programs are designed to produce well-trained and competent practitioners, there is a different emphasis placed on research vs. practice in the two programs. The training models for practitioner programs are based on the core curriculum developed by the National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology (NCSPP). The training models for the programs are:
Ph.D. Training Model: Scholar-Practitioner
Research Emphasis: The Ph.D. program requires additional courses in research, a Master’s Project, and a dissertation involving empirical research. This enhances the research preparation of Ph.D. students.
Psy.D. Training Model: Practitioner-Scholar
Practitioner Emphasis - The Psy.D. program requires additional psychotherapy lab courses and an additional psychological assessment course. This enhances the clinical preparation of Psy.D. students.
Bold denotes different training emphases between the two doctoral programs.
Ph.D. Program | Psy.D. Program | |
AIM 1 | Demonstrate requisite psychological knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes to meet the psychological needs of society. | Demonstrate enhanced psychological knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes to meet the psychological needs of society. |
COMPETENCY 1.A | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in forming and maintaining professional communication styles and professional relationships overall. | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in forming and maintaining professional communication styles and relationships overall. |
COMPETENCY 1.B | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in psychological assessment. | Develop enhanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes in psychological assessment. |
COMPETENCY 1.C | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in psychological interventions. | Develop enhanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes in psychological interventions. |
COMPETENCY 1.D | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in individual and cultural diversity. | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in individual and cultural diversity. |
COMPETENCY 1.E | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in supervision. | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in supervision. |
COMPETENCY 1.F | Develop requisite comportment, attitudes, value, and overall professionalism that are consistent with the professional standards of psychology. | Develop requisite comportment, attitudes, value, and overall professionalism that are consistent with the professional standards of psychology. |
COMPETENCY 1.G | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in ethics, professional standards and guidelines. | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in ethics, professional standards and guidelines. |
COMPETENCY 1.H | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary interaction. | Develop requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes in consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary interaction. |
AIM 2 | Demonstrate an increasingly independent and enhanced ability in research or other scholarly activities in order to serve psychological practitioners and society-at-large. | Demonstrate a requisite ability in research or other scholarly activities in order to serve psychological practitioners and society-at-large. |
COMPETENCY 2.A | Develop an increasingly independent and enhanced ability to formulate and conduct research or other scholarly activities. | Develop a requisite ability to evaluate and disseminate research or other scholarly activities. |
AIM 3 | By knowledge and training, meet the psychological needs of the Christian community. | By knowledge and training, meet the psychological needs of the Christian community. |
COMPETENCY 3.A | Develop enhanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relating biblical and theological concepts to theory, research, and practice. | Develop enhanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relating biblical and theological concepts to theory, research, and practice. |
Specific competencies flow from the program goals and objectives, and these are available for review and are provided to students in the Rosemead Student Handbooks.
Degrees Offered
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Master of Arts
A Master of Arts degree is awarded as a student progresses in the doctoral program.
Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy
Rosemead's doctoral programs in clinical psychology are designed primarily to train practitioners in professional psychology. They are designed for students interested in pursuing careers in applied areas of clinical psychology. While all students receive training in the basic areas of scientific psychology relevant to the practice of psychology, the focus of Rosemead's doctoral training is on the development of professional skills and the utilization of theory and research in professional practice. Within this focus students are admitted to either the Psy.D. or the Ph.D. program. Approximately 65% of Rosemead's students are enrolled in the Psy.D. and 35% in the Ph.D. Except in unusual circumstances, students do not change programs after admission.
While both the Psy.D. and Ph.D. have a common core of basic science and clinical courses, students selecting Rosemead's Psy.D. are generally preparing for full-time positions as psychological practitioners. Those choosing Rosemead's Ph.D. are interested in combining clinical work with other psychological competencies, such as teaching and research. Research training in Rosemead's Ph.D. program is strong in selected areas of ongoing faculty research. Thus the Ph.D. is particularly appropriate for students who desire both to develop quality clinical skills and to develop research skills related to clinical practice.
Additional Educational Opportunities for Doctoral Training
Training and Research Facilities
Rosemead maintains an outpatient psychological service and training center near the Biola campus (i.e., Biola Counseling Center). The clinic offers a wide range of psychological services to adults and children. It also provides on-campus training opportunities for students. The clinic is equipped with video-recording facilities for case observation.
Doctoral students also receive supervised clinical experiences in a variety of practicum placements in the Greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas. These agencies present students with opportunities to work with clinical professionals in a variety of therapeutic orientations serving a broad range of diverse populations. The agencies that regularly train Rosemead students ensure that Rosemead students will gain a breadth of clinical experience in professional settings working with diverse populations. Students receive both supervision at their training sites and additional clinical consultation on campus with Rosemead faculty. The on-campus supervision ensures an integration of classroom training and field experience.
Rosemead's major educational distinctives are its strong professional training orientation and its goal of relating the data and concepts of psychology to those of Christian theology. Since both psychology and theology address the human condition, Rosemead's faculty believes there is a great deal to be gained by an interdisciplinary study of the nature of persons. Consequently, all doctoral students take a series of theology courses and integration seminars designed to study the relationship of psychological and theological conceptions of human functioning. This series of courses lengthens Rosemead's doctoral program by approximately one year beyond most four-year clinical programs.
While recognizing that the disciplines of psychology and theology have some very different data and methodologies, their overlapping content, goals and principles provide a rich resource for interdisciplinary study. Issues growing out of these overlapping concerns cover a range of topics relating to research, theory and clinical practice. By encouraging this study, Rosemead is attempting to train psychologists with a broad view of human nature that includes sensitivity to the religious dimension of life. Through its interaction with members of the Christian community, Rosemead is also committed to demonstrating to the church the potentially significant contributions an understanding of the data and methods of psychology can make to the Church's role of ministering to the whole person.
Professional Growth and Training
At the heart of an effective doctoral training program in professional psychology is the opportunity to develop the personal insights and skills necessary for empathic and effective interaction in a wide range of settings. In order to meet this need, Rosemead has developed a sequence of experiences designed to promote personal growth and professional competence in interpersonal relationships as well as specific clinical skills.
Beginning in their first year of study, doctoral students participate in a variety of activities designed to promote professional awareness and personal growth. The first year activities include active training in empathy skills through an on-campus pre-practicum experience. The pre-practicum course consists of exercises to assess and facilitate interpersonal skills, and the initial opportunity for the student to work with a volunteer college client in a helping role.
By their second year in the program, doctoral students begin their own individual therapy. This therapy is designed to give the student first-hand experience in the role of a client and is considered an opportunity for both personal growth and for learning therapeutic principles and techniques. By the end of the student’s fourth year, 86 hours of professional growth are required. A minimum of 50 hours must be individual therapy. The additional 36 hours may be made up of additional individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, and/or spiritual direction. In addition, students begin their formal practicum and psychotherapy lab courses in the second year. Students are placed at both the Biola Counseling Center for training in therapy and in public school settings as assessment externs. These practicum experiences are supervised both by Rosemead's faculty and qualified professionals working in the practicum agencies.
During the third year and fourth year, doctoral students take additional psychotherapy lab courses and work in a variety of practicum settings. In the psychotherapy lab courses, students receive both instruction and supervised experience, offering clinical services from the theoretical orientation of the course. Over the course of the program, students take two required psychotherapy lab courses (e.g., Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Brief Psychodynamic Therapy), as well as additional elective psychotherapy lab courses (see Course Catalog). Advanced practicum sites include community mental health centers, child, adolescent and adult treatment centers, outpatient clinics, correctional facilities, university counseling centers, churches, group private practices, and private and public psychiatric hospitals. Students apply for these sites on the basis of their individual interests. This step-by-step progression in professional training experiences gives the student personal experience with a wide range of populations in a variety of settings and provides the necessary preparation for a full-time internship during the fifth year of study.
The internship year, which occurs during the fifth year of study, is planned as an intensive clinical experience to help doctoral students integrate the varied elements of their preparation in psychology into a congruent professional role. All internships must be members of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and as such, either APA-accredited or within the 3-year pre-accreditation period.
Christian Activities
As members of a Christian university community, Rosemead's faculty believe the relating of one's faith to an academic discipline goes beyond the theoretical and academic. Opportunities for fellowship, dialogue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total educational process. Consequently, all doctoral students are encouraged to participate in Rosemead's weekly chapel. Various opportunities are provided for students to connect with faculty on topics of integration one-on-one or in small group settings. Graduate students are also encouraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern California area.
Admission Requirements
Rosemead's doctoral programs seek to admit applicants whose backgrounds clearly demonstrate scholarly aptitude, a commitment to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integrity, and a positive service-oriented motivation toward the field of clinical psychology. As an evangelical Christian institution, Biola University requires that an applicant has been a Christian for at least one year prior to admission. Biola does not discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin.
Persons interested in attending Rosemead should request application forms from the Director of Admissions of Biola University or may access the application online.
As in most graduate programs in psychology, competition is keen and enrollment is limited. In order to be considered for admission, the applicant needs to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ and must meet the following requirements:
- Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with an average grade of at least B (i.e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in psychology or a closely related field are welcome to apply for entrance without any further prerequisite course fulfillment. Applicants with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an unrelated field must achieve a passing grade (C- or better) in five basic psychology courses (15 credits).
- Four required courses in:
- General Psychology (introductory course)
- Statistics in Psychology
- Experimental Psychology (or Research Methods)
- Abnormal Psychology
- One additional course in any of the following (or related coursework):
- Theories of Personality
- Cognitive Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Physiological Psychology
- Multicultural Psychology
- Four required courses in:
- Submit test scores (if applicable)
- Ph.D. – Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (verbal, quantitative and analytical writing) are required* from a test taken within the last five years.
- Ph.D. applicants (whether applying only to the Ph.D. program or to both the Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs) interested in receiving a waiver for the GRE requirement can reach out to our graduate admissions counselor for more information.
- Psy.D. – The Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (verbal, quantitative and analytical writing) are optional. However, scores can be submitted if you feel that they will strengthen your application overall.
- Students are not required to take the GRE subject test in psychology.
- Evidence of English proficiency is required for all students to support student success. Proficiency must be shown through one of the methods described below:
- Minimum test score on a qualifying standardized test
- TOEFL: minimum score of 100 iBT
- IELTS: minimum score of 7.5
- Duolingo: minimum score of 125
- A degree (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) issued by an institution where English is the medium of instruction.
- Official written communication from the institution (Registrar, Controller of Examinations Office, or Undergraduate College)
- Official degree statements or transcripts may be accepted given English is stated as the medium of instruction
- Official catalog verification
- Note: For universities from non-Anglophone countries, further language assessment may be required.
- Completion of the English Language Scholars (ELS) with passing status on the ELS's final exit exam, which must be approved by the ELS Director in collaboration with the academic program committee. An updated TOEFL or IELTS score may be used at the end of a term to test directly into the graduate program for the following term.
- Qualify for English Language Scholars (ELS), which allows students who do not meet the minimum TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo scores to still enroll in their graduate degree program. Students would be taking academic English courses concurrently with the graduate degree program courses.
- Students eligible for ELS will be assessed by the ELS Director to determine the total number of academic English courses to take while enrolled in their graduate program courses. The following are the scores needed to qualify for ELS: TOEFL iBT 90 / IELTS 7.0 / Duolingo 110–124.
- Note: Students must be admitted to the graduate program first to be considered for ELS.
- Minimum test score on a qualifying standardized test
- Ph.D. – Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores (verbal, quantitative and analytical writing) are required* from a test taken within the last five years.
- Submit three letters of recommendation on forms provided by the school:
- One academic recommendation (written by a faculty member)
- One spiritual mentor/leader recommendation (written by a pastor, spiritual director, ministry/church leader or bible study/small group leader)
- One additional recommendation of your choice (i.e., academic, employer or character reference). An employer reference can be an employer or supervisor. A character reference can be anyone other than a family member.
- Submit a curriculum vitae or resume
Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student's academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution.
Application Deadline
Since enrollment is limited and admission is on a selective basis, applications should be made as early as possible. Applications must be received in the Office of Graduate Admission by December 1. Decisions are made only on completed applications. Rosemead currently admits new students for the degree programs only in the Fall semester each year. Applications received after the December 1 deadline will rarely be considered for the following Fall semester.
Notice of Decisions
The Admissions Committee will process applications as quickly as possible following the December 1 deadline, though time must be allowed for completion of personal interviews. Certificates of Acceptance will be emailed on or before April 1. In the event that an applicant has not heard from the committee by May 1, a written inquiry may be made.
Admission of International Students
See the Admissions section of the Biola University catalog.
General Academic Information
Classification of Students
Graduate psychology students meeting all entrance requirements will be classified as regular graduate students. Students who do not fulfill all entrance requirements may be admitted on a provisional status until they correct the deficiency. Any such deficiencies must be removed within one calendar year of a student's admission as a provisional student. It is only in rare instances that a student will be accepted on provisional status.
Ph.D. students will be classified in the program as follows:
First year | 36 graduate credits or less completed |
Second year | 37-71 graduate credits completed |
Third year | 72-100 graduate credits completed |
Fourth year | 101-126 graduate credits completed |
Fifth year | Class work complete and internship in progress |
Dissertation (ABD) | All requirements met except for dissertation |
Psy.D. students will be classified in the program as follows:
First year | 36 graduate credits or less completed |
Second year | 37-70 graduate credits completed |
Third year | 71-99 graduate credits completed |
Fourth year | 100-123 graduate credits completed |
Fifth year | Class work complete and internship in progress |
Dissertation (ABD) | All requirements met except for dissertation |
Grading System
Students wishing to obtain a graduate degree must maintain a consistently high academic performance throughout their program. An overall B average, i.e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, is required for all degrees. Only grades of A, B, and C earn graduate credit.
Grades of all students are recorded in the registrar's office. Grading is on the following basis:
Grade | Quality | Points |
A | Superior Achievement | 4.00 |
A- | Strong Achievement | 3.67 |
B+ | Above Average Achievement | 3.33 |
B | Average Achievement | 3.00 |
B- | Low Average Achievement | 2.67 |
C+ | Minimum Passing Performance | 2.33 |
C | Minimum Passing Performance | 2.00 |
C- | Minimum Passing Performance | 1.67 |
D | Failure | 0.00 |
F | Failure | 0.00 |
W | Withdrawal | 0.00 |
A “W” indicates an official withdrawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade average. | ||
UW | Unofficial Withdrawal | 0.00 |
A “UW” indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for a class but do not attend it are automatically given the grade of “UW” which will influence the grade average the same as an “F.” | ||
IN | Incomplete | |
A temporary mark of “IN” (Incomplete) will be used in special cases of extreme hardship where an extension is warranted and approved by the Dean. A student must appeal for an “IN” grade before the end of the semester. Normally, a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the end of the first five weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatically become a “W.” A “W” can be made up only by repetition of the course. | ||
No grade other than an “IN” may be altered once it has been reported to the registrar’s office unless an error was made in grading or recording. These changes can only be made upon written approval of the instructor, the Dean and the Registrar. |
The following grades are also used in Rosemead records with special significance for the professional aspects of the programs:
Grade | Quality | Points |
S | Satisfactory | 0.00 |
US | Unsatisfactory | 0.00 |
CR | Credit | 0.00 |
NC | No Credit | 0.00 |
AUD | Audit | 0.00 |
R | Dissertation Research in Progress | 0.00 |
IP | Internship in Progress | 0.00 |
Independent Study/Arranged Course
Independent Studies are an integral part of the Biola University experience. An Independent Study is a course that is initiated by the student, who then works independently toward the goals and objectives outlined by the professor on the Arranged Course form. Students who are in good standing and not on probation are eligible to enroll in an Independent Study. Required courses may not be taken by independent study.
Permission of the Director of Doctoral Programs is required for students to take more than 6 credits of independent study and/or arranged coursework during their program.
Professional Standards and Student Conduct
The academic program at Rosemead is designed to prepare graduates for licensure (on the doctoral level) by the professional licensing boards of the various states. Because of the professional nature of Rosemead's program, students are required to maintain the standards of the psychological profession as defined by the American Psychological Association, the State of California and the professional psychologists who comprise Rosemead's faculty. As a part of Biola University, which serves a broad spectrum of evangelical churches, Rosemead also has both a doctrinal statement and a statement of conduct (see the General Information section of catalog). Prospective applicants should be in agreement with the standards. Students who do not abide by these standards or other institutional policies and procedures may be subject to probation or dismissal from the program.
Academic Probation
A student failing to maintain the minimum grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. The following semester, should the student not meet the minimum cumulative grade point average (3.0), he or she will automatically be dismissed. A student cannot graduate while on probation.
Course Competency
Throughout the program, students are required to demonstrate competency on various levels, including academic performance. If a student earns a grade of C+ or below in a course, the student is required to meet with the professor of record who will present a remediation plan that is individualized and specific to the situation in order to ensure the student meets competency.
Academic Dismissal
A student is only allowed a combination of two “U”s, “NC”s, “D”s, “F”s and/or “C”s (understood to include both C+ or C-); a third “C,” “U,” “NC,” “D,” and/or “F” brings automatic dismissal from the program.
Credit by Examination and Course Validation
No graduate credit in psychology will be given by examination or validation. Students who possess an excellent but non-transcripted background in an area of study may, with the permission of the advisor and chair of the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee, validate by examination to receive a waiver for a required course. No credit is given for such validation. Successful validation allows the student to take additional equivalent elective hours in the program.
Time Limit for Degrees
All course and academic requirements must be completed within eight years for the Psy.D. and Ph.D. degrees, beginning on the date of the student's first registration for graduate study at Rosemead.
If the program is not completed within the eight-year limit, the student must register again as a full-time (6–16 credits) student. Requirements in Student Handbook.
Student Academic Load
The normal full-time load for a Rosemead student in psychology is 12 to 16 hours per semester. Without the Director of Doctoral Programs’ approval, a student may not carry over 16 credits in any semester. Doctoral students are considered full time for a maximum of two years in the dissertation phase of their program. Part-time registration is permitted only with permission of the Dean or Director of Doctoral Programs. Rosemead does not admit part-time students to its degree programs.
For full statement on satisfactory academic progress see Academic Standards section of catalog.
Pre-Internship and Dissertation Students
Pre-internship, internship and dissertation (ABD) status students must continue to register online and pay the required fees each semester appropriate to their status. Students who have completed course requirements but have not completed degree requirements must register for either internship or a minimum of 3 additional credits per semester until all degree requirements are met.
Transfer Credit
Doctoral students may transfer up to 30 semester hours of applicable graduate-level courses in psychology. Graduate courses with grades of B or above at accredited institutions are considered as acceptable on a transfer basis; a grade of B- is not transferable. Rosemead will not evaluate non-traditional learning or non-transcripted work experience for academic or practicum credit.
When students wish to use transfer credit for a required course in the Rosemead curriculum, it is their responsibility to provide documentation assuring the equivalency of course content. Documentation may include catalog descriptions, syllabi, and other supporting materials from the professor of record or department, as deemed necessary.
Theology Reduction, Transfer, or Waiver
Students entering Rosemead with a minimum of 30 undergraduate credits of Bible and/or Theology from accredited Christian colleges or universities may be eligible for a reduction of required Theology courses. To qualify for this reduction students must have earned no lower than a B- grade in the undergraduate coursework.
Students may transfer up to 6 credits of graduate theology and Bible applicable to Rosemead’s program from an accredited graduate school or theological seminary. Students with qualifying courses may also waive an additional theology course and substitute credits with an Integration course. Content of all courses evaluated for reduction, transfer or waiver/substitution must be compatible with the Rosemead Theology course(s) being waived. Reduction credits will be determined by the Registrar’s Office in consultation with Rosemead’s Director of Doctoral Programs.
Unofficial Withdrawal
A student who fails to register in any given semester without arranging for a leave of absence or formal withdrawal is eliminated from the program by default.
Leave of Absence
Inactive students are those who have requested and been granted a leave of absence from their program. A leave of absence may be granted upon petition for change of status if there is deemed sufficient reason for interrupting the program and intention to return to the program. Change of status forms are available from the Rosemead Office.
A leave of absence must be renewed by petition each semester and may not exceed two consecutive semesters. A leave of absence longer than two semesters will require withdrawal from the program and a petition for readmission if the student later wishes to regain active status. The committee responsible for processing readmission requests is the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee. Each leave of absence must receive the approval of the student's advisor and the final approval of the Dean. Students on leave are required to register for RSPY 790 for each term.
Terminated Students
A person whose program has been terminated may make reapplication to the program a minimum of two years after termination.
The reapplication should be in the form of a letter and include a new application form, at least two current references and any desired supporting materials. The letter should be addressed to the Rosemead Admissions Committee stating the reasons for requesting readmittance as well as any other issues deemed relevant by the applicant. The letter should directly address the causes for program termination. The application will be considered with the regular admissions pool.
The admissions committee will review the request and may take one of two actions:
- Deny the request; or
- Approve the request and refer to faculty for final approval or disapproval. The results of the faculty decision will be communicated to the applicant by the Dean.
Readmission Procedures
A student who has attended Biola University and has dropped out for one semester or longer will be required to file an application for readmission and pay a fee of $15.
Readmission requires the submission of a formal petition for readmission, action by the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee, and final approval of the Dean. This policy is in effect for students in any status, including internship and dissertation.
Graduation Requirements
The major B.A., B.S., M.A., Psy.D., and Ph.D. degree requirements are summarized under each program. Since all students take a set of basic courses in scientific psychology as well as in clinical psychology and theology, the first two years of the Psy.D. and Ph.D. programs are very similar.
Douglas Daugherty, Psy.D.
Graduate Doctoral Programs Director
Joseph De Luna, Psy.D.
Undergraduate Psychology Chair
Christina Lee-Kim, Ph.D.
Adams, E. Bland, Dwiwardani, E. Hall, T. Hall, McMartin, Williams
Associate Professors
Abouezzeddine, Baldelomar, Chin, De Luna, Eltiti, Lee-Kim, Noh, Poston, Shelton
Assistant Professor
Special Appointment Faculty
Beach, Farrey, Goss, Grace, Rios-Lam, Snow, Willingham, Yang
Affiliate Faculty