Substitution Policy

Substitution requests must be initiated by the student and submitted to the Office of the Registrar through the Substitution Request Form. Any course substitution requests for major requirements must be from the same discipline as the major unless otherwise approved by the University Registrar. Major course petitions are not transferable to other majors. Substitutions are limited to up to 25% of the program requirements. 

Course substitution requests for Core Curriculum must be submitted through the Core Substitution Request Form and will be routed to the academic department and the Associate Provost for Curriculum and Instruction. 

All course substitution requests should include a rationale of how the course being taken fulfills the program learning outcomes. 

Current students who plan to take a transfer course to fulfill a Biola degree requirement should review the Transfer Equivalency Tool to view courses approved for transfer. Any courses that are not included on the Transfer Equivalency Tool should be petitioned to the Office of the Registrar through the Transfer Petition Form to ensure that the student knows how the credit will transfer before registering for the course. All transfer courses are subject to the policies stated in the Undergraduate Transfer Policy.