Christian Ministry and Leadership, M.A.C.M.L. (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) - Korean

Degree Program

The Biblical and Pastoral Ministry specialization is designed for students who want to focus on local church ministries. Students are equipped to communicate God’s Word by providing the necessary skills to interpret and apply Scripture to the lives of God’s people in a manner that is faithful to the text, clearly communicated and relevant to their particular ministry context.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership, Biblical and Pastoral Ministry specialization, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate abilities relevant to personal spiritual formation, including an understanding of spiritual theology, knowledge of God and self, relational skills, and an understanding of their vocation (ULO 3).
  2. Explain the major doctrines of Christianity, including their biblical basis, and contemporary relevance (ULO 1). 
  3. Synthesize knowledge, skills, and perspectives from specialization-specific content of the Christian Ministry and Leadership program to determine implications for professional practice (ULO 2). 

Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must possess a Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent from an accredited college with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Applicants who do not possess a Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent from an accredited institution may still apply and may be provisionally admitted at the discretion of Talbot School of Theology. Additionally, applicants should have completed an accredited course in Old Testament survey and in New Testament survey prior to matriculation. To meet the prerequisite, students must have received a C or higher in approved undergraduate or graduate survey courses from a regionally accredited institution. If the prerequisite courses are not completed prior to matriculation, the student is required to take TKBE 519 and TKBE 520 during their program.

All applicants must submit a written statement outlining their vocational objectives and how the degree might relate to those objectives.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Satisfactorily complete 53 semester credits as outlined in the curriculum charts below.
  2. Students without previous courses in Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey must take TKBE 519 and TKBE 520, in addition to the standard curriculum.
  3. Complete the online introduction to theological research and writing before completing 18 credits in the program.
  4. At least 26 of the total credits required for the degree program must be completed with Biola/Talbot courses. Advanced Standing and transfer credits are not considered Biola/Talbot credits.
  5. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a C- in all courses to be credited toward graduation.
  6. Complete the entire program in no more than five years.
  7. Meet with a graduate academic records and degree specialist designated by the Office of the Registrar one year prior to graduation to declare intent to graduate. (See the Graduate Graduation Application section.)

Program Structure

The academic program leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership with a specialization in Biblical and Pastoral Ministry is comprised of 53 credits, including:

  1. Biblical and theological foundations
  2. Spiritual Formation Focus (SFF)
  3. Ministry skills
  4. Additional 3-credit TKPT elective course determined by the student in consultation with the advisor

Curriculum Requirements

Prerequisite Courses
Old Testament Survey - Korean
New Testament Survey - Korean
Program Core Courses
TKBE 517Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods - Korean3
TKSF 501Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation - Korean3
TKSF 503Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation - Korean3
TKSF 504Spiritual Formation, Vocation, and the Disciplines - Korean1
TKSF 505Talbot Spiritual Direction I - Korean0
TKSF 506Talbot Spiritual Direction II - Korean0
TKTH 521Theology I: God, Scripture, Creation - Korean3
TKTH 522Theology II: Christ, Humanity, Sin, Salvation - Korean3
TKTH 623Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things - Korean3
Biblical and Pastoral Ministry Courses
TKPT 591Field Apprenticeship I - Korean1
TKPT 592Field Apprenticeship II - Korean0
TKPT 602Pastoral Ministry - Korean3
TKPT 609Expository Preaching - Korean3
TKPT 610Contemporary Biblical Preaching - Korean3
TKPT 691Field Apprenticeship III - Korean0
TKPT 703The Church and Society - Korean3
TKPT 707Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling - Korean2
TKPT 730Biblical Leadership and Management - Korean3
TKPT 791Field Apprenticeship IV - Korean1
Language/Exegesis Courses
Select one of the following options:12
New Testament:
Beginning Greek I - Korean
Beginning Greek II - Korean
Introduction to Exegesis - Korean
Exegesis in the Gospels - Korean
Exegesis in the Epistles - Korean
Old Testament:
Elements of Hebrew I - Korean
Elements of Hebrew II - Korean
Introduction to Hebrew Exegesis - Korean
Hebrew Exegesis - Korean
Elective (any approved TKPT course) 13
Total Credits53

See Department for approval.