Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Minor

Curriculum Requirements

A Minor in Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (formerly Business Analytics Minor) is offered with the completion of 21 credits.

Program Courses
CSCI 105Introduction to Computer Science3
MATH 190Business Statistics 13
or MATH 210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
or MATH 318 Biostatistics
BUSN 220Management Information Systems3
BUSN 323Business Analytics3
BUSN 426Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence3
BUSN 427Advanced Business Analytics with Machine Learning and AI3
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Fintech
Programming for Data Science I
Database Management
Data Reporting and Visualization
Statistics and Data Science Consulting Practicum
Total Credits21

MATH 190 or MATH 210 or MATH 318 will count toward the Core Curriculum requirement for Math.