Missions and Intercultural Studies for Talbot
Christian leaders today, whether working in their own country or in another country, are usually working in cross-cultural contexts. Leaders must be prepared with ministerial skills that will enable them in penetrating and leading effectively in the midst of ethnic complexity and multiculturalism. Christian leaders must be able to exegete the scriptures and exegete the social context in which they work. The Missions and Intercultural Studies program of Talbot provides the M.Div. student an opportunity to study with theological and missiology faculty. This program is designed to provide training based on sound biblical and missiological principles that have been proven valuable in missions, pastoral leadership, cross-cultural ministry and human service.
Any Talbot student may take elective courses in missions and intercultural studies from the following list.
Code | Title | Credits |
Applied Linguistics | ||
ISAL 520 | Introduction to Language and Linguistics | 3 |
ISAL 535 | Introduction to Bible Translation | 3 |
Anthropology | ||
ISAN 551 | Anthropology of Gender | 3 |
ISAN 555 | Kinship and Family in Cross-cultural Perspective | 3 |
ISAN 561 | Economic Anthropology | 3 |
ISAN 671 | Applied Anthropology | 3 |
ISAN 761 | Culture and Transformation | 3 |
Intercultural Studies | ||
ISCL 520 | Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment | 3 |
ISCL 531 | Peoples of Ethnic America | 3 |
ISCL 555 | Introduction to World Missions | 3 |
ISCL 560 | Urban Research and Study | 3 |
ISCL 565 | Personal Leadership Formation | 3 |
ISCL 662 | Mission in Political Context | 3 |
ISCL 711 | Dynamics of the Religious Experience | 3 |
ISCL 722 | Spiritual Conflicts in Cross-Cultural Context | 3 |
ISCL 724 | Issues in Spiritual Warfare | 3 |
ISCL 727 | Principles of Church Multiplication | 3 |
ISCL 730 | Directed Study | 1-4 |
ISCL 732 | Church Planting Models and Strategies | 3 |
ISCL 735 | Principles of Church Growth | 3 |
ISCL 742 | History of the World Christian Movement | 3 |
ISCL 747 | Christianity and Culture | 3 |
ISCL 751 | Theology of Mission | 3 |
ISCL 765 | Cross-Cultural Leadership | 3 |
ISCL 791 | Field Internship | 1-2 |
ISCL 861 | Alternative Delivery Systems in Education | 3 |