Psychology: Research and Dissertation (RSDS)
RSDS 611 - Research Apprenticeship I Credit 1
Research apprenticeship is a year-long experience in planning and conducting research in psychology. This experience typically occurs in the second year of the Ph.D. student's study at Rosemead. The research is conducted under the direction of a faculty member with whom the student has made arrangements to work (research advisor). This faculty member is often the student's academic advisor. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSDS 612 - Research Apprenticeship II Credit 1
Research apprenticeship is a year-long experience in planning and conducting research in psychology. This experience typically occurs in the second year of the Ph.D. student's study at Rosemead. The research is conducted under the direction of a faculty member with whom the student has made arrangements to work (research advisor). This faculty member is often the student's academic advisor. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSDS 701 - Doctoral Research Seminar I Credits 2
This is the first of a three course sequence which Psy.D. students take as a partial fulfillment of their doctoral research competency. Building on RSPY 601, this course reviews research methods with the aim of critically evaluating clinical psychology research. Students continue to develop and expand their dissertation on a selected topic in clinical psychology. Students complete the research proficiency examination in conjunction with this course. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Psychology. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSDS 702 - Doctoral Research Seminar II Credit 1
This is the second of a three course sequence which Psy.D. students take as a partial fulfillment of their doctoral research competency. This course includes an evaluation and discussion of current topics in clinical psychological research methods. Building on RSDS 701, students further develop their dissertation on a selected topic in clinical psychology. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Psychology. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSDS 701.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSDS 703 - Doctoral Research Seminar III Credits 2
This is the third of a three course sequence which Psy.D. students take as a partial fulfillment of their doctoral research competency. Building on RSDS 702, this course includes the completion of an entire draft of theoretical synthesis dissertation or the dissertation proposal for an empirical study or program evaluation dissertation. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Psychology. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSDS 702.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSDS 710 - Master's Project Completion Credits 1-3
Completion of master’s project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing. Ph.D. students who have not received final approval and submitted final copies of their M.A. Project to the Dean by the end of the summer following the Research Apprenticeship course are required to register for this course. Note(s): Special approval required. Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 3.
RSDS 721 - Dissertation Research Credits 1-10
Planning and implementation of a research project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing. The student's dissertation research is supervised by a faculty chair and committee. The final stage requires the student to successfully sustain an Oral Defense of the dissertation. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Clinical Psychology (RSDR); and Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 12.
RSDS 722 - Dissertation Continuation Credits 1-3
Continued registration to complete dissertation. Less than half-time status. Note(s): Required for doctoral students who have not completed this requirement while registered for RSDS 721. Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSDS 723 - ABD Dissertation Completion Credits 1-3
Completion of a research project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing or theoretical synthesis. Doctoral students are required to take this after completion of Internship and required dissertation hours if their dissertation is not complete. Note(s): The student will be considered full-time for a maximum of four semesters. Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 3.