Bible Exposition - Korean (TKBE)
TKBE 517 - Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 해석학과 성경연구방법: 다양한 성경 장르와 현상에 대한 전제, 일반 규칙 및 전문 원리 분석과 주석 방법 개발을 포함하여 성경의 건전한 해석 및 적용 원리에 대한 연구입니다. Course description - A study of principles of sound interpretation and application of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and specialized principles for the various biblical genre and phenomena and the development of an exegetical method. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKBE 519 - Old Testament Survey - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 구약성경 개론: 엄선된 입문 및 중요 이슈, 관련 배경, 주요 주제와 분류, 중요한 문제 등 구약성서에 대한 광범위한 탐색입니다. Course description - A broad survey of the Old Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions, and crucial problems. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKBE 520 - New Testament Survey - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 신약성경 개론: 선별된 입문 및 비평적 이슈, 관련 배경, 주요 주제 및 구분, 결정적 문제를 포함하여 신약성경 책에 대한 일반적인 개요입니다. Course description - A general overview of the New Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions, and crucial problems. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.