Theology: Historical - Korean (TKHT)
TKHT 505 - Patristic and Medieval Theology - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 교부학과 중세신학: 교리 발전에 중점을 두고 사도시대부터 종교개혁 전야까지의 교회 역사. Course description - History of the church from the Apostolic Fathers to the eve of the Reformation with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. Note(s): This course is mutually exclusive with and may not be taken if you have already received credit for TKHT 514 or CSAP 550. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKHT 506 - Reformation and Modern Theology - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 종교 개혁과 현대신학: 종교개혁부터 현재까지 교회의 역사. 학생들이 속한 교단의 정치와 역사를 공부할 기회가 주어집니다. Course description - History of the church from the Reformation to the present. Opportunity is given for students to study the polity and history of their own denomination. Note(s): This course is mutually exclusive with and may not be taken if you have already received credit for TKHT 514 or CSAP 550. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKHT 514 - Historical Theology Survey - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 역사신학 연구: 교리의 발전에 중점을 두고 사도 교부부터 현대에 이르는 교회의 역사를 살펴봅니다. 교부 시대, 중세 시대, 종교 개혁 시대, 현대 시대의 주요 사상가들을 조명합니다. Course description - History of the church from the Apostolic Fathers to the modern era with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. Highlights key thinkers in the patristic, medieval, Reformation, and modern eras. Opportunity is given for students to study the polity and history of their own denomination. Note(s): This course is mutually exclusive with and may not be taken if you have already received credit for TKHT 505, TKHT 506, CSAP 551, or CSAP 552. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.