Old Testament and Semitics - Korean (TKOT)
TKOT 603 - Elements of Hebrew I - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 히브리어 문법 I: 번역 및 작문 연습이 포함된 기본 구약 히브리어 문법을 배웁니다. Course description - Basic grammar with translation and written exercises. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKOT 604 - Elements of Hebrew II - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 히브리어 문법 II: 선택된 성경 본문의 읽기 및 번역에 중점을 둔 추가 구약 히브리어 문법 및 구문을 배웁니다. Course Description - Additional grammar and syntax with emphasis on reading and translation in selected biblical texts. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TKOT 603.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKOT 703 - Introduction to Hebrew Exegesis - Korean Credits 3
과목 설명 - 히브리어 주해 입문: 문법 분석 및 주석 방법 소개(특히 텍스트 비평, 번역, 구문 및 어휘 분석)를 포함한 히브리어 원문 텍스트 읽기(중급 수준)과정입니다. Course description - Reading of Hebrew prose texts (intermediate level), including grammatical analysis and introduction to exegetical methods (especially text criticism, translation, syntax and lexical analysis). Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module; TKOT 603 and TKOT 604.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TKOT 722 - Hebrew Exegesis - Korean Credits 2-3
과목 설명 - 히브리어 주해: 히브리어 텍스트 읽기(고급 수준) 및 선택한 텍스트에 대한 포괄적인 해석 방법을 다룹니다. Course description - Reading of Hebrew texts (advanced level) and application of comprehensive exegetical methods to selected texts. Note(s): May be taken multiple times with different content; two credits minimum required for Master of Divinity - Korean students; three credits required for Master of Arts - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): BLHE 201 or TKOT 703.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.