Christian Ministry and Leadership - Korean (TKPT)


TKPT 510 - Evangelism and Disciple-Making Strategies - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 전도와 제자만들기 전략: 이 과정은 개인과 교회가 지역 상황에서 복음을 전하고 제자화하는 데 가장 적절한전략과 실천을 결정하기 위해 전도와 제자도에 대한 성경적 원리를 탐구합니다. Course description - This course explores biblical principles for evangelism and discipleship in order to determine the most relevant strategies and practices for individuals and churches to evangelize and disciple in their local context. Note(s): Option for elective in Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean; option for elective in Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 591 - Field Apprenticeship I - Korean Credit 1

과목 설명 - 사역현장 실습 I: 사역의 실제적인 요소를 소개합니다. 멘토십, 진로 계획, 현장 경험, 현장 실습 준비에 중점을 둡니다. Course description - Introduction into the practical elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on mentorship, career planning, field experience, and preparation for Field Apprenticeship IV. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 592 - Field Apprenticeship II - Korean Credits 0

과목 설명 - 사역현장 실습 II: 자체 평가 양식 및 멘토 평가 양식을 포함한 실습 관계에 대한 주간 교육입니다. Course description - Weekly training in apprenticeship relationships including self-evaluation forms and mentor’s evaluation form. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): TKPT 591.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 602 - Pastoral Ministry - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 목회사역: 목회자의 소명, 목적, 사역에서의 역할에 대해 공부합니다. 예배, 음악, 예식, 결혼식, 장례식, 병원 및 가정 방문에 대한 리더십을 제공하는 데 특별한 주의를 기울입니다. Course description - A study of a pastor's call, purpose, and role in ministry. Special attention will be given to providing leadership in worship, music, ordinances, weddings, funerals, and hospital and home visitation. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 608 - Developing Strategic Church Ministries - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 전략적 교회 사역 개발: 이 과정은 평생 제자 수련, 세대 간 사역, 새 신자 성장, 변혁적인 성경 교육, 사역을 위한 평신도 준비, 혁신적인 사역 자원 개발 등 지역 교회에서 구체적인 전략적 사역을 개발하는 방법에 중점을 둡니다. Course description - The course focuses on how to develop specific strategic ministries in a local church, including, but not limited to, life-span discipling, intergenerational ministries, growing new believers, transformational Bible teaching, equipping laity for ministry, and developing innovative ministry resources. Note(s): Option for elective in Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean; option for elective in the Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 609 - Expository Preaching - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 강해 설교: 성경적으로 정확하고, 따르기 쉽고, 듣기에 흥미롭고, 현대의 필요에 맞는 설교 작성을 위한 과정입니다. Course description - The process of preparation that results in sermons that are biblically accurate, easy to follow, interesting to listen to and relevant to contemporary needs. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Master of Arts in Christian Ministry & Leadership (Biblical & Pastoral Ministry) - Korean: TKBE 517; Master of Divinity (Pastoral & General Ministries) - Korean: TKBE 517; TKNT 503 or TKOT 703.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 610 - Contemporary Biblical Preaching - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 현대 성경적 설교: 창의적인 설교 형식, 설교자의 신뢰도, 청중의 동기부여, 강당 크기 및 모양, 효율적 구성 및 사역 주간 관련성을 포함하여 설교 효과로 이어지는 요소에 대한 연구입니다. Course description - A study of factors leading to preaching effectiveness, including creative preaching forms, speaker credibility, listener motivation, auditorium size and shape, filing systems and organizing the work week. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TKPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 691 - Field Apprenticeship III - Korean Credits 0

과목 설명 - 사역현장 실습 III: 자체 평가 양식 및 멘토의 평가를 포함한 실습 과정입니다. Course description - Weekly training in apprenticeship relationships including self-evaluation forms and mentor’s evaluation form. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): TKPT 592.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 703 - The Church and Society - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 교회와 사회: 성경적 윤리와 지역 교회가 지역 사회에서 수행하는 역할에 대한 연구입니다. 생명의 신성함, 약물 남용, 가정 폭력, 사회적 질병 및 정치적 과정과 같은 주요 사회 문제에 특별한 관심을 기울일 것입니다. Course description - A study of biblical ethics and the role the local church plays in the community. Special attention will be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemical abuse, domestic violence, social ills and the political process. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 707 - Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling - Korean Credits 2

과목 설명 - 목회적 돌봄과 상담의 기초: 교회 및 선교단체에서 상담을 요청하는 사람들을 위한 사역을 탐구합니다. 관계 형성 기술부터 시작하여 도움을 주는 데 있어 자신의 한계를 발견하고 적절한 의뢰 절차를 배웁니다. 그 다음에는 교회 사역 내에서 소규모 커뮤니티를 구축하는 방법을 탐구하는 데 중점을 둡니다. Course description - Explores ministry to people who request counseling in church and para-church contexts. Starting with relationship building skills, students will discover their limits in help-giving, and learn appropriate referral process. Much of the course focus will then be an exploration of building small communities within a church ministry. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 730 - Biblical Leadership and Management - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 성경적 리더십과 관리행정: 조직 관리와 리더십에 대한 성경적 기초를 연구합니다. 성경적 기초를 바탕으로 기독교 봉사와 사역에 적용할 수 있는 계획, 조직, 지도 및 지원 과정을 탐색합니다. Course description - The biblical basis for organizational management and leadership. Examination of the process of planning, organizing, leading and supporting from a biblical basis and made applicable to Christian service and ministry. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKPT 791 - Field Apprenticeship IV - Korean Credit 1

과목 설명 - 사역현장 실습 IV: 사역과 신학교의 모든 훈련을 통합하여 배우는 과정입니다. 이는 기독교 사역의 다양한 측면에 대한 경험을 점검하는 과정이라 할 수 있습니다. 이 과정에서 전체적인 훈련이 제대로 이뤄지도록 멘토의 도움을 받게 됩니다. Course description - Integration of all the disciplines of ministry and seminary education. It provides supervised experience in various phases of Christian ministry. Mentorship relationships are included for wholistic training in apprenticeship. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TKPT 691.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.