Theology: Systematic - Korean (TKTH)


TKTH 521 - Theology I: God, Scripture, Creation - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 신학 I : 하나님, 성경, 창조: 신학과 신학 방법에 대한 소개입니다. 영감과 무오성을 지닌 성경. 하나님의 속성과 삼위일체 본성을 지니신 하나님. 하나님의 영원한 계획과 천사와 섭리를 포함한 하나님의 창조사역을 다룹니다. Course description - An introduction to theology and theological method. Scripture, including inspiration and inerrancy. God, including his attributes and triune nature. God's work of creation, including God's eternal plan, the angels, and providence. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKTH 522 - Theology II: Christ, Humanity, Sin, Salvation - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 신학 II : 그리스도, 인간, 죄, 구원: 인간의 본성과 가족을 포함하여 하나님의 형상을 지닌 인간성. 타락과 죄가 인류에게 미치는 영향. 그리스도의 인격과 사역. 중생, 칭의, 성화를 포함한 구원의 성격과 적용의 내용을 탐구합니다. Course description - Humanity in the image of God, including human nature and the family. The fall and the effect of sin upon humanity. The person and work of Christ. The nature and application of salvation, including regeneration, justification, and sanctification. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TKTH 623 - Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things - Korean Credits 3

과목 설명 - 신학 III: 성령, 교회, 마지막 일: 성령의 인격과 사역. 살아있는 유기체이자 조직으로서 교회의 시작과 성격, 그 기능, 규례 및 사명. 그리스도의 재림, 그리스도의 천년 통치, 죽은 자의 부활, 심판, 영원한 상태를 포함한 하나님의 광범위한 왕국 목적을 탐구합니다. Course description - The person and work of the Holy Spirit. The inception and nature of the church, both as a living organism and an organization, its function, ordinances, and mission. The broad kingdom purpose of God, including Christ's second coming, the millennial reign of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, judgment, and the eternal state. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical Pastoral Ministry) - Korean students and Master of Divinity (Pastoral General Ministries) - Korean students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TKTH 521, TKTH 522.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot in Korean student (TAKB or TPKP); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.