Old Testament and Semitics (TTOT)


TTOT 603 - Elements of Hebrew I Credits 3

Basic grammar with translation and written exercises. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTOT 604 - Elements of Hebrew II Credits 3

Additional grammar and syntax with emphasis on reading and translation in selected biblical texts. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 603.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTOT 607 - Hebrew Exegesis I – Torah Credits 3

Course content includes readings and exegesis from the Hebrew text of the Torah (Pentateuch) with discussion of text criticism, background issues (historical and compositional), and exegetical methodology. Special attention is given to the Torah as the legal constitution of the Nation of Israel and its implications as the foundation for Jewish life. Study will include Jewish commentaries from ancient and modern sources. Note(s): Offered only at the New York extension site. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 608 - Hebrew Exegesis II – Neviim and Ketuvim Credits 3

Emphasis is placed upon the Hebrew language in the Prophets and the Writings, with special attention given to key prophetic and Messianic texts that identify the Messiah and His mission to Israel. Additional discussion will focus on the use of these texts in the New Testament. The character, extent, and personalities of the Hebrew prophetic scriptures will be studied along with principles for their interpretation. Note(s): Offered only at the New York extension site. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 609 - Hebrew Exegesis III - Ketuvim Credits 2

Emphasis is placed upon the Hebrew language in the Writings, or Hagiographa of the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures. Special attention will be given to the characteristics and interpretation of Hebrew poetry and proverbs, along with the application of the wisdom literature of the Bible. Particular emphasis will also be given to texts that relate to the Messiah of Israel and His mission to Israel. Additional discussion will focus on the use of these texts in the New Testament. The character, extent, and authorship of this division of the Hebrew Scriptures will be studied along with principles for their interpretation. Note(s): Offered only at the New York extension site. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 613 - Rabbinic Literature–Readings in Mishnah and Talmud Credits 3

Using the original Mishnaic Hebrew text, some Aramaic texts of the Talmud, and English translations of both, students will be introduced to this core literature, which shaped the thought and life of the Jewish community. The overall content of the sixty-three tractates of the Mishnah will be taught as well as the interrelatedness with the text of the New Testament. Attention will also be given to selected portions of Tosefta and Midrash. This course will assist students in acquiring knowledge of Jewish culture and history from the 3rd Century to the present through the study of the argumentation of the Talmud and the contemporary approaches to Talmudic literature. Note(s): Offered only at the New York extension site. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 703 - Introduction to Hebrew Exegesis Credits 3

Reading of Hebrew prose texts (intermediate level), including grammatical analysis and introduction to exegetical methods (especially text criticism, translation, syntax and lexical analysis). Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module; TTOT 603 and TTOT 604.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTOT 704 - Old Testament Prophecy Credits 2-3

The character, extent and personalities of Old Testament prophecy, with a treatment of principles of prophetic interpretation. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 705 - Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages Credits 3

Readings and exegesis from the Hebrew text of Genesis and selected passages with discussion of text criticism, background issues (historical and compositional) and exegetical methodology. Special attention given to the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary methodologies for the interpretation of the biblical text. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module; TTOT 604.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 706 - Advanced Hebrew Grammar Credits 2-3

A study of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 703 or TTOT 705.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 707 - Old Testament Poetry Credits 2-3

The nature, scope and principles of Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament. Comparisons with the poetry of the ancient Near East. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 709 - Reading of Selected Psalms from the Hebrew Text Credits 2-3

Particular emphasis upon the devotional and practical values. Note(s): May be taken multiple times with different content; electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 604.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTOT 715 - Studies in the History and Culture of Israel Credits 2-3

Historical and cultural examination of a period in Israel's history (Exodus and Conquest, Judges, United Monarchy, Divided Monarchy, Judah to the Fall of Jerusalem, Post-Exilic), using available biblical and extra-biblical materials. Note(s): May be taken multiple times with different content; electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTBE 519.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTOT 718 - Archaeology of Israel Credits 2

The history of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 720 - Critical Issues in Old Testament Studies Credits 3

Text, canon and examination of the foundations and conclusions of modern historical-critical methods. Special introduction of selected Old Testament books to illustrate these topics of general introduction. Note(s): Required for Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 722 - Hebrew Exegesis Credits 2-3

Reading of Hebrew texts (advanced level) and application of comprehensive exegetical methods to selected texts. Note(s): May be taken multiple times with different content; required for Master of Arts (Old Testament) students; two credits minimum required for Master of Divinity students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): BLHE 201 or TTOT 703 or TTOT 705.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Sophomore Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTOT 725 - Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Credits 2-3

Consideration of the non-canonical literature from the period between the Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the centuries before the advent of Christianity. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 730 - The Dead Sea Scrolls Credits 2-3

A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumran Community, its belief and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 731 - Biblical Aramaic Credits 3

A study of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew; translating the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request; one Semitic language is required for Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 703 or TTOT 705.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 732 - Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis Credits 2-4

A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with emphasis on historical background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Note(s): May be taken multiple times with different content; electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 703 or TTOT 705.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTOT 733 - Seminar in Semitic Languages Credits 2-3

Introductory grammatical studies in Ugaritic, Arabic, Akkadian, Syriac or Modern Hebrew; readings in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions; or other advanced Semitic studies. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with different content; electives are offered by rotation and on request; one Semitic language is required for Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 703 or TTOT 705.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTOT 734 - Readings in the Septuagint Credits 2-3

A survey of the origin, nature and value of the Greek Old Testament with a reading of selected portions and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the methods of the translators. Note(s): Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 703 or TTOT 705; TTNT 502.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 745 - World of the Old Testament Credits 2-3

Old Testament backgrounds, including a study of the religion, literature, geography, archaeology, and culture of Israel in its ancient Near Eastern environment. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTOT 791 - Old Testament Seminar Credits 1-4

Supervised research of designated areas of concentration in Old Testament literature, history, interpretation or theology. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with different content; three credits are required for Master of Arts (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTOT 799 - Old Testament Capstone Credit 1

Students will work with an OT professor, initially submitting an exegetical project or thesis paper on a given topic/passage and then revising it for resubmission based on the professor's feedback. Note(s): Required for all Master of Arts (Old Testament) students in their final semester. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTOT 703 or TTOT 705.
Restriction(s): Must be Old Testament (TAOT); and Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.