Spiritual Formation, Institute of (TTSF)
The Institute for Spiritual Formation, which functions as a department in Talbot, aims to integrate an in-depth integrative theology of spiritual formation with the process and dynamics involved in spiritual growth, soul care and mentoring in the church. It intends to train a generation of servants, both through the Institute for Spiritual Formation academic programs and through the Spiritual Formation Focus at Talbot, who are equipped both to understand and participate in the process of spiritual growth from a theological, integrative and experiential perspective. All of this takes place within the context of an authentic and open community, to the end that students are better equipped to help others in the church through this process. Consequently, the courses and co-curricular elements of the program aim to integrate the theoretical, experiential and practical dimensions of spiritual growth and mentoring. To accomplish this goal, the department draws upon the expertise of an interdisciplinary faculty from Talbot and Rosemead School of Psychology.
Co-Curricular Requirements
(Required for Institute students only)
Personal Spiritual Direction
Required of all Spiritual Formation students. All students are required to experience monthly spiritual direction in each semester they are enrolled in courses for the sake of their own spiritual growth and training in Christian soul care (enroll in TTSF 585). The fee structure between spiritual director and directee is to be arranged between the parties and is not the responsibility of the Institute or University. A list of qualified spiritual directors is provided to the student.
Didactic Therapy
Each master's level ISF student is required to experience personal didactic psychotherapy concurrent with enrollment with a clinical therapist approved by the faculty (a minimum of 25 hours for M.Div. and M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, 12 hours for M.A. with concentration in SF, encouraged for Certificate students). This is intended to introduce the students to the work and world of Christian psychotherapy as well as enhance the student's understanding and experience of the psychological dynamics and defenses at work within themselves. The fee structure between therapist and client is to be arranged between the parties and is not the responsibility of the Institute or University. A list of qualified psychotherapists is provided to the student.
Faculty-Student Retreats
For all SF students, along with weekly chapel, faculty and students participate together in a yearly weekend retreat for the purpose of developing a more intimate and meaningful community in relation to God. Student costs for such retreats are the responsibility of each student and on occasion are provided by the Institute.
Personal Retreats
All students in the ISF programs are required to go on 48-hour solitude retreats for the purpose of cultivating the inner life before God. Four retreats are required for master's level students, and two for Certificate. This is to be done in consultation with both the student's designated spiritual director and advisor before and after the experience. Student costs for such retreats are the responsibility of each student. For M.A. with concentration in SF and Certificate students, the student will enroll in TTSF 672.
Student Progress Assessment
Students in M.Div. and M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care (only) will be evaluated to determine their progress and potential to successfully complete the program. In addition, their capacity to complete the Intensive Journey Inward Retreat, and most suitable manner for undertaking it, will be addressed. For some students the evaluation will be completed informally through faculty observation of and interaction with them. For others a more formal interview will be required. In either case, Institute faculty will determine the appropriateness of allowing the student
- to continue in the program,
- to continue in the program with certain conditions and/or re-evaluation or
- not to allow the student to continue in the practicum sequence or perhaps in the program (or in some cases, permission to continue in the non-training M.A. concentration program; options vary for M.Div. and M.A. Soul Care students).
These evaluations will be completed after Pre-practicum I and Pre-practicum II.
Intensive Journey Inward Retreat
Required of students in M.Div. and M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care only. Due to the nature of soul work involved in spiritual direction and in harmony with its tradition, each student is required to have a total of three weeks of extended retreat in isolation or partial isolation to explore and cultivate the inner life in the presence of God under the supervision of a spiritual guide and one's advisor. The student should enroll in the first half of TTSF 670 (2 credits for M.A. students, 1 for M.Div.) early in the program to prepare for the retreat. The second half of TTSF 670 should be taken near the end of the program and after completing the retreat. The costs for such a retreat are the responsibility of the student and not the Institute or University.
Spiritual Formation Focus courses TTSF 501, TTSF 503, TTSF 504 and TTSF 505 are open to all Talbot students except ISF students.
Institute for Spiritual Formation courses TTSF 517 through TTSF 750 are open only to ISF students.
TTSF courses follow the "One-Fourth Rule" in which at least one-fourth of each course is devoted to experientially realizing or deepening what is taught.
TTSF 501 - Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation Credits 2-3
Introductory study of the nature of spiritual theology and formation, which attempts to understand the nature of new life in Christ, the process of formation in the Spirit and the directives for cooperating with His work. Attention is given to the implications of Spiritual Theology for seminary training and classroom experience. Particular attention is given to understanding the implications of life in Christ regarding guilt, shame and legalism as well as the New Covenant ministry of the Spirit in transforming the heart in light of the dynamics of original sin, early relational development and the habits of sin developed over time. Attention is also given to developmental spirituality, how the Spirit transforms the heart over time and how this affects ministries of teaching, preaching and discipleship in the church. Note(s): Required of all Talbot students not in a Spiritual Formation academic program; a retreat will be introduced and required; this course will include a cohort group of no more than 15 students who explore the course content as well as the student's own life and growth within community; required in the students' first semester at Talbot; only students in the Talbot Master of Divinity program with a specialization in Messianic Jewish Studies (Feinberg Extension) are eligible to take this course for 2 credits; fee for co-curricular requirements. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Class, Doctoral Class, or Senior Class; must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Undergraduate, Crowell School of Business; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $280.
TTSF 503 - Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation Credits 2-3
A theological and experiential exploration into human relationships and issues related to gender, romance, marriage, family and parenting as they relate to spiritual growth. Course includes an investigation into the impact of personal and family history on theological outlook, emotional congruence, relational attractions and moral decisions. Personal assessments and a one-day retreat are an integral part of this course. Students will experience spiritual community and intercessory prayer as they begin individual spiritual direction with a spiritual director and continue relationships within a cohort group to explore deeply their relational capacity at the heart of how Christ is formed in them, thereby developing deeper levels of trust and vulnerability. Note(s): Required of all Talbot students not in a Spiritual Formation academic program; cohort groups will continue to meet from TTSF 501 and a one-day group spiritual retreat will be required; only students in the Talbot Master of Divinity program with a specialization in Messianic Jewish Studies (Feinberg Extension) are eligible to take this course for 2 credits; fee for co-curricular requirements. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 501.
Corequisite(s): TTSF 505.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Class, Doctoral Class, or Senior Class; must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Undergraduate, Crowell School of Business; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $230.
TTSF 504 - Spiritual Formation, Vocation, and the Disciplines Credits 0,1
A theological and experiential exploration of the believer's vocation and the various 'callings' in the Bible as it relates to the general call of loving God and neighbor, a training in righteousness and conformity to Christ's image. Explores the panoply of spiritual disciplines sanctioned by the Bible and developed throughout Church history in order to enter deeply into one's calling. This learning takes place in a cohort group and includes various modalities of learning. A retreat component is included with this course. The retreat focuses on various spiritual disciplines and one's relation to the various calls of God in one's life, particularly one's personal call to ministry. Note(s): Required of all Talbot students not in a Spiritual Formation academic program; fee for co-curricular requirements. Grade Mode: C, N.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 503, TTSF 505.
Restriction(s): Must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology or Crowell School of Business; and Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $230.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.
TTSF 505 - Talbot Spiritual Direction I Credits 0
A personal experience is required in Spiritual Direction at the Center for Spiritual Renewal at ISF. This course provides students the opportunity to explore their life of prayer and growth with a trained spiritual director from the Institute for Spiritual Formation. Note(s): Two semesters of spiritual direction must be completed for the Spiritual Formation Focus requirement (TTSF 506 after completion of TTSF 505); students are required to meet with an approved spiritual director a minimum of four times per semester; required of all Talbot students not enrolled in a Spiritual Formation academic program. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 501.
Corequisite(s): TTSF 503.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Class, Doctoral Class, or Senior Class; must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Undergraduate, Crowell School of Business; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
TTSF 506 - Talbot Spiritual Direction II Credits 0
A personal experience is required in Spiritual Direction at the Center for Spiritual Renewal at ISF. This course provides students the opportunity to explore their life of prayer and growth with a trained spiritual director from the Institute for Spiritual Formation. Note(s): Two semesters of spiritual direction must be completed for the Spiritual Formation Focus requirement (TTSF 506 after completion of TTSF 505); students are required to meet with an approved spiritual director a minimum of four times per semester; required of all Talbot students not enrolled in a Spiritual Formation academic program. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 505.
Restriction(s): Must not be Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
TTSF 517 - Hermeneutics and the Word in Spiritual Formation Credits 3
Training in biblical interpretation and its relevance to the process and goals of spiritual formation. Emphasis is given to analysis of written communication and language usage, general rules and specialized principles for the various biblical genre, and the place of the Word of God in Christian spiritual growth from a biblical, experiential and historical perspective. Note(s): Required of all SF students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 521 - Introduction to Christian Spirituality and Prayer Credits 1-3
An introductory study into the nature of spiritual formation and the various ways that Christians have sought to deepen their relationship with God, with special emphasis given to the nature and practice of prayer in the Church and the Christian life. Note(s): Required of all SF students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 524 - History and Theory of Christian Soul Care and Direction Credits 2-3
An introduction to the history and theory of spiritual soul care, mentoring and direction from a biblical, experiential and psychological perspective. Specific focus is on assisting others in deepening their relationship with God through increased sensitivity and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit's presence and work in all areas of life (including the common and ordinary). Attention is also given to understanding the personal dynamics at work within and between the guide and directee and the role of spiritual guidance within the broader context of pastoral care and mentoring as well as in the more specific discipline of spiritual direction. Note(s): Required of all SF students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 531 - History and Traditions of Christian Spirituality Credits 2,3
An exploration of spirituality through Church history. The course introduces the student to the various traditions of spirituality (contemplative, holiness, Word, charismatic, social reform etc.) and their historical-theoretical roots (Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Reformed, Lutheran etc.). Attention is given to appreciation, evaluation and critique. Various experiential projects are designed to facilitate understanding, appreciation and personal growth with respect to these traditions. Note(s): Required of all SF Master of Arts students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 532 - Developmental Spirituality and Contemplative Prayer Credits 2-3
An exploration of the various stages of growth involved in the believer's journey, employing both experiential and biblical data. Particular focus is given to St. John of the Cross who developed perhaps the most elaborate and influential approach to understanding the work of the Spirit in various phases of the Christian's life and how this relates to the relationship between discursive and contemplative prayer and meditation. Note(s): Required of all SF students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 543 - Personal Foundations of Spirituality and Retreat Credits 1-3
This course focuses upon the importance of self-understanding for spiritual and emotional well-being as well as effective ministry to hurting people. It includes an investigation into the impact of personal and family history on theological outlook, emotional congruence, relational attractions and moral decisions. Several personal assessments as well as one or more therapy sessions are an integral part of this course and will require an additional fee. Note(s): Required of all SF students. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $40.
TTSF 544 - Personality Development and Psychopathology Credits 3
An overview of personality development and the major forms of psychopathology from a depth psychological perspective (psychodynamic and existential). This course provides a framework for understanding the dynamics inherent in personality development and distortions of that development under the influence of sin. Note(s): Required of all SF Master of Arts and Master of Divinity students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 577 - Soul Care Pre-practicum I and Professional Ethics Credits 2-3
The first of a two-course sequence which facilitates development of empathic listening, interpersonal skills and basic spiritual guidance techniques that form the basis of effective spiritual direction. Attention is also given to the development of discernment in order to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in His ministry. Provides a beginning framework for understanding issues in professional ethics. Emphasizes a small, interactive group format for the development of skills. Note(s): For Master of Divinity and Master of Arts Soul Care students only; a passing grade for this course is B or better; in addition, students will be evaluated to determine whether they will advance to Pre-practicum II, repeat Pre-practicum I, take an SF elective (for Master of Divinity students) or have the option to transfer to the Master of Arts Concentration program (for Master of Arts Soul Care students). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Student must have completed at least 9 credits in order to enroll in Pre-practicum I, included in which are TTSF 521 and TTSF 543.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 578 - Soul Care Pre-practicum II and Professional Referral Credits 3
The second of a two-course sequence which facilitates development of empathic listening, interpersonal skills and basic spiritual guidance techniques. Direct observation and taping of the student's first clinical spiritual direction practicum in the university's Center for Spiritual Renewal provide a supervised introduction to the spiritual direction process. It also educates students to recognize more severe disorders that require psychological or psychiatric referral. Note(s): A passing grade for this course is B or better; in addition, students will be evaluated to determine if they will advance to Practicum I, repeat Prepracticum course(s), transfer to TTPT 791/TTPT 792 Field Internship (for Master of Divinity Students) or have the option to transfer to the Master of Arts Concentration program (for Master of Arts Soul Care students); course should be taken concurrently with or subsequent to TTSF 524. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 577.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 585 - Personal Spiritual Direction Credits 0
Students experience their own spiritual direction for the purpose of deepening their self awareness and relationship with God and implicit training in doing direction with others. The student is encouraged to be open and honest with the spiritual guide, hiding nothing regarding one's relationship with God and, within reason, attending to the direction of the guide. Note(s): Required of all SF students each semester enrolled. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
TTSF 602 - Prayer and Formation in Expository Preaching Credit 1
Theoretical and experiential integration of prayer and spiritual formation into the experience of sermon preparation and preaching. Focus will be on personal prayer and preparation of the heart in sermon preparation and in understanding and relating to the spiritual dynamics of the audience in listening and responding to the Word. Note(s): A directed study offered by ISF faculty and taken concurrent with TTPT 609 Expository Preaching; required for Master of Divinity students only. Grade Mode: A.
Corequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 623 - Contemplative Spirituality and Prayer Credits 3
This course encourages personal awareness and sensitivity to the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit. Particular emphasis is upon growing in faith as understood in the Bible and the contemplative tradition by attending, listening and openness to the truth of oneself and God as revealed by the Spirit inwardly. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 625 - Theology of Human Nature Credits 3
A theological, philosophical, psychological and experiential investigation into human nature as it relates to understanding spiritual formation in the life of the believer and the Church. The goal is to lay certain biblical and true groundwork for understanding the nature of the person in the Spirit as it relates to sin, salvation, spiritual formation and discipleship. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 627 - Theology of the Holy Spirit Credits 3
A theological, philosophical and experiential investigation into the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the Church. The goal is to lay certain biblical and true groundwork for understanding the nature of the person in the Spirit as it relates to sin, salvation, spiritual formation and discipleship. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 629 - Discipleship and the Life of Christ Credits 3
An investigation into the nature of Christian discipleship and the life of Christ as portrayed in the Gospels and interpreted in Christian spiritual literature. Spiritual formation is explored in terms of discipleship and imitation of Christ. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 642 - Spiritual Disciplines Seminar Credits 1-3
A theological and experiential exploration into the panoply of spiritual disciplines sanctioned by the Bible and developed throughout Church history. The emphasis is upon understanding their nature and relationship to personal growth, identifying their pathological manifestation and appreciating their impact in one's personal and community experience. Topics may include various approaches to prayer, fasting, solitude, acts of service, meditation etc. Note(s): Required of all SF Master of Arts students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 2.
TTSF 645 - Christian Virtue and the Spiritual Disciplines Credits 2-3
An introduction to ethics including the nature of personal character, virtues and vices, and their relationship to the spiritual disciplines as means of spiritual growth into the image of Christ. Note(s): Required of all SF Master of Arts and Master of Divinity students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 670 - Intensive Journey Inward and Retreat Credits 1-4
Master of Divinity and Master of Arts Soul Care students are required to have a total of three weeks of extended off-campus retreat in isolation or partial isolation to explore and cultivate the inner life in the presence of God under the supervision of a spiritual guide (as designated or permitted by the faculty) and one's advisor. The first half of this classroom course, taken early in the program (2 credits for M.A. Soul Care students, 1 credit for M.Div.), will cover theory and preparation for the retreat. The second half of the course (2 credits for M.A. Soul Care students, 1 credit for M.Div.), taken late in the program, and after completing the retreat, will serve to debrief and further understand the retreat process. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), or Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 2.
TTSF 672 - Personal Retreat and Formation Credits 1-4
Each M.A. concentration and Certificate student is required to go on one weekend retreat (Friday to Sunday) each semester for the purpose of cultivating the inner life before God (a total of four weekend retreats or two for Certificate). This is to be done in consultation with one's designated spiritual mentor and one's advisor before and after the experience. Student costs for such retreats are the responsibility of each student. The first half of this classroom course, taken early in the program (2 credits for both M.A. concentration and Certificate students), will cover theory and preparation for retreat. The second half (2 credits for M.A. concentration only), taken late in the program, and after completing the retreats, will serve to debrief and further understand the retreat process. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF), Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), or Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 2.
TTSF 677 - Soul Care Practicum I Credits 2
Students practice and complete a specified number of hours of individual spiritual mentoring of others while enrolled in Soul Care Practicum I. Work is done at a faculty approved site (Biola, church setting etc.) under the supervision of faculty. This also includes a weekly small group which focuses on theoretical training as well as individual supervision and training throughout the semester to foster personal growth and insight into the work of doing spiritual mentoring. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts Soul Care students; optional for Master of Divinity students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 578.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 678 - Soul Care Practicum II Credits 2
This is the second course in which students practice and complete a designated number of hours of individual spiritual direction of others. Work is done at a faculty approved site (Biola, church setting etc.) under the supervision of faculty. This also includes weekly small group experience which focuses on theoretical training as well as individual supervision and training throughout the semester to foster personal growth and insight into the work of doing spiritual soul care. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts Soul Care students; optional for Master of Divinity students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTSF 677.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), or Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 679 - Soul Care Post-Practicum Credits 1-3
A continuation of supervised practicum experience. Students who have successfully completed Pre-practicum I and II and Practicum I and II may continue in individual and group spiritual direction at various sites and with increased responsibility. Note(s): By arrangement only; if taken for 3 credits, may be used as substitute for TTSF 701 Spiritual Formation Seminar. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 701 - Spiritual Formation Seminar Credits 1-3
Yearly required seminars are offered under this course designation which focus upon some issue, controversy or dimension in the area of spiritual formation. Note(s): Required of all SF Master of Arts students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 3.
TTSF 703 - Spiritual Friendships and Community Credits 3
This course explores the place of community and human intimacy in happiness and our journey to God. Attention is given to the varied nature and types of spiritual relationships that exist in the body of Christ, destructive dynamics that hinder healthy friendships, and ways to foster this unique love in light of our general commitment to love one another under God. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 704 - God, Evil and Suffering in the Life of Prayer Credits 3
A theoretical and personal (theological-psychological) exploration into the nature of God, His sovereignty and purposes as they relate to evil, human growth and suffering and our life of prayer with God. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 705 - Prayer Seminar Credits 3
Exploration of prayer in the Scriptures and how the Church throughout history understood the relationship of prayer to personal and corporate growth. Attention is given to identifying various psychological defenses which may emerge in the life of prayer. Topics may include prayers in the Bible, liturgical prayer, lectio divina, recollection, centering prayer, the Jesus prayer, conversational prayer, prayer in the family, etc. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 707 - Personality Dynamics and Spirituality Credits 3
An introduction to the personality dynamics involved in interpersonal relationships, including one's relationship with God. Special attention is given to styles of being and relating, defense mechanisms that hinder growth and maturity, and the dynamics of guilt, anxiety, anger and forgiveness. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 709 - Existential Spirituality and Soul Care Credits 3
Exploration of a depth-existential approach to understanding the person, particularly as it interfaces with Christian Spirituality and theology. Attention is given to key themes in existential spirituality and psychology such as anxiety, despair, hope, self, ego, transference, insight, meaning, love, freedom, feelings, journey and the nature of 'encounter'. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 711 - Topics in Christian Spiritual Soul Care and Direction Credits 3
Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation which focus upon some issue, controversy or dimension in the area of soul care, mentoring and spiritual direction. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 713 - Integration, Wisdom and Spiritual Formation Credits 3
An introduction to the nature of integration of faith and learning, particularly as it relates to the life of wisdom, prayer and spiritual formation of the believer. Emphasis is given to Old Testament Wisdom Literature and its understanding of integration and the wise life in relation to God, creation and the overall process of spiritual formation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 740 - Spiritual Formation Project/Thesis Credits 1-4
Students in the M.A. Concentration in SF (only) are required to complete a Master's Project/Thesis in the area of Spiritual Formation or Spiritual Guidance (includes 3 credits for writing and 1 credit for personal growth exploration). The Project-Thesis must involve both a theoretical and practical-experiential dimension in consultation with thesis advisor. Note(s): May be fulfilled in two semesters. Grade Mode: V.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 1.
TTSF 750 - Directed Study Credits 1-4
Supervised reading, research, retreat or experiential practice. Developed and approved in conjunction with ISF faculty and advisor. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC), or Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.