- Biola University Catalog 2025–26
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Policies
- Academic and Behavioral Standards
- Course Numbering
- Degree and Program Information
- Grades and Student Records
- Graduation and Degree Conferral
- Policies
- Registration and Enrollment
- Study Abroad and Study USA
- Transfer Policies
- Undergraduate Core Curriculum Program
- Undergraduate Requirements and Policies
- Admissions
- Courses
- American Sign Language (ASLG)
- Anthropology - Graduate (ISAN)
- Anthropology - Undergraduate (ANTH)
- Applied Linguistics - Graduate (ISAL)
- Applied Linguistics - Undergraduate (INAL)
- Applied Psychology (APSY)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Art (ARTS)
- Bible Exposition (TTBE)
- Bible Exposition - Korean (TKBE)
- Bible Exposition - Spanish (TEBE)
- Biblical and Theological Studies (BBST)
- Biological Science (BIOS)
- Business Administration - Graduate (MBAD)
- Business Administration - Undergraduate (BUSN)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Christian Apologetics (CSAP)
- Christian Education (TTCE)
- Christian Ministries (CEED)
- Christian Ministry and Leadership (TTPT)
- Christian Ministry and Leadership - Korean (TKPT)
- Christian Ministry and Leadership - Spanish (TEPT)
- Cinema and Media Arts (CNMA)
- Classical Theology (TTCT)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (CODS)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders - Post Baccalaureate (CDSR)
- Communication Studies (COMM)
- Computer Science (CSCI)
- Doctor of Ministry (TTMN)
- Education - Graduate (SEED)
- Education - Undergraduate (LEDU)
- Educational Studies - Ed.D. and Ph.D. (TTDE)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- English (ENGL)
- Entertainment Business (CMEB)
- French (FREN)
- General Studies (GNST)
- German (GRMN)
- Greek (BLGR)
- Hebrew (BLHE)
- History (HIST)
- Intercultural Studies - Graduate (ISCL)
- Intercultural Studies - Korean (IKCL)
- Intercultural Studies - Undergraduate (INCS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (ITDS)
- Journalism and Integrated Media (JOUR)
- Kinesiology and Health Science (KNES)
- Marriage and Family Therapy (TTFT)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Music (MUSC)
- New Testament Language and Literature (TTNT)
- New Testament Language and Literature - Korean (TKNT)
- New Testament Language and Literature - Spanish (TENT)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Occupational Therapy (OCTH)
- Old Testament and Semitics (TTOT)
- Old Testament and Semitics - Korean (TKOT)
- Old Testament and Semitics - Spanish (TEOT)
- Philosophy - Graduate (TTPH)
- Philosophy - Korean (TKPH)
- Philosophy - Spanish (TEPH)
- Philosophy - Undergraduate (PHIL)
- Physical Science (PHSC)
- Political Science (POSC)
- Professional Accountancy (MPAC)
- Psychology - Graduate (RSPY)
- Psychology - Undergraduate (PSYC)
- Psychology: Integration of Psychology and Theology (RSTP)
- Psychology: Internship (RSTN)
- Psychology: Psychotherapy Laboratory (RSLB)
- Psychology: Research and Dissertation (RSDS)
- Psychology: Theology and Biblical Studies (RSTH)
- Public Health (PHLT)
- Public Relations (PREL)
- Research Language (TTRL)
- Robotics (ROBO)
- Russian (RUSS)
- Science and Religion (CSSR)
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP)
- Spiritual Formation (TTSF)
- Spiritual Formation - Korean (TKSF)
- Spiritual Formation - Spanish (TESF)
- Stewart Honors (SHNR)
- Talbot Research and Writing: Special Studies (TTSS)
- Talbot Thesis (TTHE)
- TESOL - Graduate (ISTE)
- TESOL - Undergraduate (INTE)
- Theatre (THTR)
- Theological Studies Digital (TTTS)
- Theology: Historical (TTHT)
- Theology: Historical - Korean (TKHT)
- Theology: Historical - Spanish (TEHT)
- Theology: Philosophical and Moral (TTPM)
- Theology: Systematic (TTTH)
- Theology: Systematic - Korean (TKTH)
- Theology: Systematic - Spanish (TETH)
- Torrey Honors (HNRS)
- Crowell School of Business
- Faculty and Administration
- Financial Aid Information
- Financial Information
- General Information
- Institute for Spiritual Formation
- Previous Catalogs
- Program Closures
- Programs Offered
- Rosemead School of Psychology
- Scholarships
- School of Education
- Child Development Permits – Graduate (Licensure)
- Child Development Permits – Undergraduate
- Curriculum and Instruction Certificate
- Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication, M.S.C.I.P.
- Early Childhood Minor
- Early Childhood, B.A.
- Education Pre-Teaching Certification Minor
- Education, M.A.Ed. (Licensure)
- Education, M.A.Ed. (Non-Licensure)
- Elementary Education Minor
- Induction/Clear Credential
- Liberal Studies, Elementary Education, B.A.
- Liberal Studies, Multidisciplinary, B.A.
- Multiple Subject Credential Intern (Graduate)
- P-12 Multilingual, Multicultural Education, M.A.
- PK-3 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Specialist Instruction Minor
- PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential
- Preliminary Credentials (Multiple Subject)
- Preliminary Credentials (Single Subject)
- Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) - Internship) (Licensure)
- Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) - Student Teaching) (Licensure)
- School of Education Courses by Discipline
- Secondary Education Minor
- Single Subject Credential Intern (Graduate)
- Special Education Certificate – Graduate (Licensure)
- Special Education Certificate – Graduate (Non-Licensure)
- Special Education Certificate – Undergraduate
- Special Education Minor
- Special Education, M.S.Sp.Ed.
- Special Education, M.S.Sp.Ed. (Non-Licensure)
- Teaching, ACSI
- Teaching, M.A.T. (Licensure)
- Teaching, M.A.T. (Non-Licensure)
- School of Fine Arts and Communication
- Applied Music Minor
- Art History Minor
- Art Minor
- Art, B.F.A.
- Art, B.S.
- Communication Studies Minor
- Communication, B.A.
- Contemporary Worship Music Minor
- Design, B.S.
- Journalism and Integrated Media Minor
- Music Composition, B.M.
- Music Minor
- Music Performance, B.M.
- Music Teacher Preparation, B.M.
- Music Therapy, B.M.
- Music, B.A.
- Public Relations Minor
- School of Fine Arts and Communication Courses by Discipline
- Theatre Minor
- Theatre, B.A.
- Worship Arts, B.M.
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- English Minor
- English, B.A.
- History Minor
- History, B.A.
- International Relations Minor
- Philosophy Minor
- Philosophy, B.A.
- Political Science Minor
- Political Science, B.A.
- Pre-Law Minor
- Public Administration Minor
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses by Discipline
- Social Work Minor
- Sociology Minor
- Sociology, B.A.
- Spanish Minor
- Spanish, B.A.
- School of Science, Technology and Health
- Allied Health, B.S.
- Applied Statistics and Data Science Minor
- Biochemistry, B.S.
- Biological Science Minor
- Biological Science, B.S.
- Chemistry Minor
- Chemistry, B.S.
- Communication Sciences and Disorders Post Baccalaureate Certificate
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.S.
- Computer Science Minor
- Computer Science, B.S.
- Engineering Physics, B.S.
- Engineering, B.S.
- Environmental Science Minor
- Health Sciences, B.S.
- Healthcare Management, B.S.
- Human Biology, B.S.
- Kinesiology Minor
- Kinesiology, B.S.
- Master of Public Health in Global Health
- Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics, B.S.
- Nursing, B.S.
- Occupational Therapy, M.S.
- Physical Science Minor
- Physics Minor
- Physics, B.S.
- Public Health Minor
- Public Health, B.S.
- Robotics, B.S.
- Science, Technology and Health Courses by Discipline
- Speech-Language Pathology, M.S.
- Statistics Minor
- Stewart Science Honors Program
- Sitemap
- Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts
- Student Life
- Talbot School of Theology
- Bible and Theology Certificate – Undergraduate
- Bible Certificate – Undergraduate
- Bible, Theology, and Apologetics, B.S.
- Bible, Theology, and Ministry, B.A.
- Biblical and Theological Studies Certificate
- Biblical and Theological Studies Certificate - Spanish /
- Biblical and Theological Studies Minor
- Christian Apologetics, M.A.
- Christian Ministries Minor
- Christian Ministry and Leadership, M.A.C.M.L.
- Classical Theology, M.A.
- Doctor of Ministry
- Educational Studies, Ph.D. and Ed.D.
- Intercultural Education, Ph.D.
- Intercultural Studies, D.I.S.
- Intercultural Studies, M.A.
- Intercultural Studies, Ph.D.
- Marriage and Family Therapy, M.A.
- Master of Arts
- Master of Divinity
- Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate
- Science and Religion, M.A.
- Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, M.A.S.F.S.C.
- Spiritual Formation Certificate
- Talbot School of Theology Courses by Discipline
- Torrey Honors College